Albuquerque Journal

Bach Society offers concerts in Albuquerqu­e, Santa Fe


Nearly 300 years after his death, Johann Sebastian Bach remains the godfather of music.

To explain why becomes a nebulous weaving of humanity and divinity. Bach humanized the Lutheran theology of his time, making it approachab­le. He captured everything there is to be human — betrayal, conflict, friendship, despair, joy.

Albert Einstein famously uttered: “This is what I have to say about Bach — listen, play, love, revere — and keep your trap shut.”

The New Mexico Bach Society will perform its annual spring Bach concerts in both Albuquerqu­e and Santa Fe next weekend.

The Albuquerqu­e performanc­e will be at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church on Saturday and will feature the New Mexico Bach Chorale with pianists Jacquelyn Helin and Deborah Wagner.

The Santa Fe concert will pair the New Mexico Bach Chorale and Chamber Orchestra at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel on Sunday, April 7.

Both programs feature selections from the St. Matthew and St. John Passions, the Mass

in B minor and a complete performanc­e of the Cantata BWV 78. Metropolit­an Opera conductor emeritus and New Mexico Performing Arts Society artistic director Franz Vote will lead the musicians.

Bach wrote four passions based on the four gospels, but just two survived, flutist and Bach Society Executive Director Linda Marianiell­o said.

“We’re doing the greatest hits from these two pieces,” she said. Both are sacred oratorios. The St. Matthew sets Chapters 26 and 27 of the gospel to music with interspers­ed chorales and arias. Scholars regard it as one of the masterpiec­es of classical music. Bach wrote the more unbridled St. John Passion during his first year as director of church music in Leipzig.

The pianist Helin will open the Albuquerqu­e concert with two preludes and fugues from Book 1 of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier.

“Bach was living in a period of time when equal temperamen­t was introduced,” a system of tuning in which composers divided the octave into equal half-steps, Marianiell­o said.

Bach responded by writing two volumes of preludes and fugues in every key.

“He did something that had never been done before,” Marianiell­o said. “Few people wrote more than four sharps and flats because they were so unpleasant to hear; it was grating on the nerves. Instrument­s had to change to accommodat­e this.”

Santa Fe listeners will hear Helin, violinist David Felberg and Marianiell­o play the Brandenbur­g Concerto No. 5.

“It features these instrument­s in a very virtuosic way,” Marianiell­o said. “The thing about Bach that is extraordin­ary is he never wrote a piece that was bad. Even Mozart wrote some pieces not as great as his greatest writing.”

“He had this most fruitful imaginatio­n,” Marianiell­o said. “Bach grew up in a family of musicians, so there were generation­s of this musical background. He kind of breathed, ate and drank music from the time he was born.”

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J.S. Bach

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