Albuquerque Journal

Senate votes to block Saudi arms sales as Trump vows veto

Move comes amid heightened tensions with Iran over drone loss


WASHINGTON — The Senate has voted to block the Trump administra­tion from selling arms to Saudi Arabia, launching a new challenge to President Donald Trump’s alliance with the country amid rising tensions in the Middle East.

Trump has promised to veto the measures. The White House said stopping the sales “would send a message that the United States is abandoning its partners and allies … when threats to them are increasing.”

While all the resolution­s of disapprova­l are likely to pass the House, supporters fell well short of a veto-proof margin; overturnin­g a veto requires a two-thirds majority in both the House and Senate.

Overall, there were 22 resolution­s, one for each of the individual sales. But most of the resolution­s were considered as a package to avoid tying up the Senate with lengthy debates over each of them.

Seven Republican­s broke with Trump to reject at least some of the arms sales: Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Mike Lee of Utah, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Todd Young of Indiana.

The votes came against the backdrop of heightened U.S. tensions with Iran, which shot down a U.S. drone Thursday in a move Trump declared “a very big mistake.” Congressio­nal leaders received a closed-door briefing on the situation at the Capitol and were invited to the White House in the afternoon the meet with Trump.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cited threats from Iran when declaring an emergency to approve the weapons sales in May. The Saudis have recently faced a number of attacks from Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

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