Albuquerque Journal

Brother overreacts to waiter’s comment

- Abigail Van Buren Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: Last week I was out with my family of 13 for dinner. My sister-in-law was sitting relaxed in her chair, stretching her back and extending her stomach. The waiter came over and, trying to make small talk, asked her, “What’s the occasion? Are you pregnant?” My sister-inlaw isn’t pregnant, but her posture may have suggested it.

Well, my brother, her husband, went off on the man, calling him names, swearing, and causing a loud scene. We all agreed the waiter was stupid to ask the question, but wasn’t my brother wrong here? He embarrasse­d all of us, and I don’t think there was any malicious intent on the part of the waiter. My brother stands behind his outburst.

This has happened before, and I’m sure it will happen in the future. What’s your suggestion for a better way to handle a situation like this, so maybe I can get through to my brother? — LOST MY APPETITE IN GEORGIA

DEAR LOST: The waiter should have quit after he asked if your party of 13 was celebratin­g a special occasion. To have asked whether your SIL was pregnant was a blunder, which I am betting was reflected in his tip. While I appreciate your brother’s desire to “protect” his wife, he accomplish­ed nothing positive by creating a scene and embarrassi­ng the family.

Because you mentioned that this has happened before and may happen in the future, it’s time for “the family” to suggest he get profession­al help for his anger issues.

DEAR ABBY: When my son was 9 he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. He is now a college grad. Because I couldn’t fix his diabetes, I have tried to fix everything else in his life, and it hasn’t been pretty.

He was home for a visit the day his graduate school applicatio­n was due. I bulldozed him into taking some punctuatio­n advice on his letter of intent that turned out to be wrong. A few months later a rejection letter arrived, and I’m afraid my grammatica­l error caused it. I’m afraid his dreams were dashed because he trusted me. He doesn’t think the mistake had anything to do with the rejection.

How important is perfect grammar on a grad school letter of intent? If my son has an above-average GPA, research experience, above-average

GRE scores, but a grammatica­l error in his essay, could that one error put him out of contention? — TRYING TO MEDDLE NO MORE

DEAR TRYING: I seriously doubt that a misplaced comma would cause your son to be rejected from graduate school if he had all the other necessary qualificat­ions. Listen to what he’s telling you, stop flogging yourself and, from now on, quit trying to bulldoze him and let him fly on his own.

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