Albuquerque Journal

‘Support’ level interventi­on-worthy

- Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: My brother-in-law passed away six months ago, and my mother-in-law, “Grace,” is understand­ably grief-stricken. My husband and son have been very supportive of her. My father-in-law passed away nine years ago. I have tried to be supportive as well, but Grace and I have always had a contentiou­s relationsh­ip, and she really wants nothing to do with me.

The problem is, my husband and son have all but disowned me. They spend an enormous amount of time comforting and consoling her to the point that there’s no affection or time left for me. I have tried talking to them about it, but they tell me I’m being selfish.

I realize my motherin-law has had an enormous loss, but she refuses to interact with anyone else! Other family members have tried to console her, but she only wants my husband and son. I thought it would be for a short while, but this seems to be permanent. They have shut me out of their lives.

I have begun going out with my own friends and living my life on my own, but I miss my family. Am I selfish, and should I let this continue? How do I just live my life alone now? — LONELY IN THE EAST

DEAR LONELY: While I sympathize with your mother-in-law, it appears there is more going on here than the fact that she’s grieving. That Grace has shut out her other relatives and has allowed herself to become dependent upon your husband and son to the extent that it is harming your marriage isn’t healthy for any of you. If this continues, counseling may be in order for ALL of you — grief counseling and support for “Mama” and marriage and family counseling to save your relationsh­ip with your husband and son. Please don’t take what I am advising lightly.

DEAR ABBY: Recently, my elderly father and his girlfriend threw a wedding for themselves. Invitation­s were sent with requests that included: dinner was to be a potluck, guests were asked to provide singing and music for the entertainm­ent, and a note was enclosed that read, “In lieu of gifts, a monetary donation for our honeymoon fund would really make our day.”

I have found out it was a huge charade. There was no wedding. What do I say to them? More than 50 friends and family attended this joke ceremony. Bear in mind, the bride and groom have been married multiple times before, and I now question the validity of those marriages. —DUPED IN THE MIDWEST

DEAR DUPED: If guests traveled a long distance to attend the “wedding” as well as contribute­d money toward the “honeymoon,” I can see why they would be upset about the fraud. I can also see why in the future the happy couple will have lost credibilit­y and will have trouble attracting a crowd to their next performanc­e.

What should you say to them? If you think anything you might say would shame them, forget it. If you are invited to another shindig, just say NO.

 ??  ?? DEAR ABBY

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