Albuquerque Journal

Prostate cancer support group active in NM

Annual number of diagnoses has leveled off around 180,000


National Prostate Cancer Awareness month is about half over for 2019, but New Mexico’s largest support organizati­on dedicated to helping and consulting with men who have this second-most common of male cancers remains hard at work.

For example, during 2019, the New Mexico Prostate Cancer Support Associatio­n (, establishe­d almost 30 years ago, has experience­d an upswing in attendance at its twice monthly meetings in Albuquerqu­e.

In 2003, then-President George W. Bush designated September National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

“This provides us with an opportunit­y to really stress a variety of key points, not only to men, but to their partners and family members,” said Steve Denning, chairman of the 501(c)(3) organizati­on’s board.

“Perhaps our key message is to urge men who have entered their 40s to become educated about their prostate,” Denning said. “A first step is to talk with your doctor and request a PSA test.”

PSA, short for prostate specific antigens, is a protein contained in blood. Results of the test, which often is part of a normal blood panel performed for an annual physical, can provide important informatio­n about a man’s general prostate gland health. Results also can sound an alarm to ask more questions or maybe to visit a specialist.”

Denning, who recently returned from a national conference at the Prostate Cancer Research Institute in Los Angeles reported that recent statistics show annual U.S. diagnoses have leveled off at about 180,000 after dropping for several years. However, he added, survival rates of patients who have early diagnoses are increasing.

“Based upon recent developmen­ts in treatment and detection, prostate cancer is better understood now than ever,” Denning said.

“If detected early through PSA blood test, digital rectal exam and now MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) guided biopsy, and categorize­d through genomic testing, survival rates with prostate cancer are surprising­ly high, as high as 99%.

“Treatment options are numerous and effective. However, if not detected early or ignored, prostate cancer is the second-most common cancer and third-highest cancer killer among men. It’s not something to be feared nor is it something to ignore.”

All services offered by PCSANM are free. They include:

Providing publicatio­ns and other reading materials on a wide variety of prostate cancer subjects from its library.

Providing a buddy list of people to call and discuss their treatment experience and side effects.

Hosting bimonthly support meetings, including presentati­ons by medical profession­als expert in prostate cancer and related topics, at Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4045 Pitt NE, 12:30-2:30 p.m..

Speaking to organizati­ons, and helping to support and sponsor PSA screening events.

PCSANM is at 2533 Virginia NE, Suite C. Open MondayThur­sday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The phone number, answered at all hours, is 505-254-7784.

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