Albuquerque Journal

Nobel for medicine given to 3 physician-scientists

How cells sense and adapt to oxygen availabili­ty at heart of research


BALTIMORE — The Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine was awarded Monday to three physician-scientists from the United States and Britain — William G. Kaelin Jr., Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza — “for their discoverie­s of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availabili­ty.”

The discoverie­s by the trio illuminate­d what the Nobel Committee called “one of life’s most essential adaptive processes,” answering profound questions about how the body works and providing potential new therapeuti­c avenues to treat cancer and other diseases.

The three scientists, working independen­tly, revealed the cascade of molecular events that allow cells to detect and respond to different levels of oxygen. That allows the human body to adapt to thinner air at high altitude by generating more red blood cells to carry oxygen. But it can also go awry in disease, providing new targets for treatment: Cancer cells exploit these molecular switches to thrive, for example, and increasing cells’ tolerance for low oxygen could offer a way to treat heart attacks and strokes.

“If you think of the main causes of death in the U.S., three out of five are related to lack of oxygen,” including heart attack, stroke and respirator­y diseases, said Isha Jain, a scientist at the University of California at San Francisco who was partially inspired to enter the field by the work being honored by the Nobel. “Understand­ing how the body senses and responds to low oxygen is pretty fundamenta­l to all these diseases,” she said.

The predawn phone call from Stockholm announcing the award is the induction to a very exclusive club, and it kicked off a frenzied day of media interviews, standing ovations and requests to take selfies for scientists more accustomed to spending time in the lab than in the limelight. Semenza, a professor of genetic medicine at Johns Hopkins University, told a packed auditorium of colleagues and students that his scientific inspiratio­n was a remarkable high school biology teacher, Rose Nelson, who is now deceased.

“She used to say to us, ‘When you win your Nobel Prize, I don’t want you to forget that you learned that here.’ She just assumed that one of us was going to do that,” Semenza said. “She was my inspiratio­n, and I think that is the importance of teachers, to serve as that kind of spark.”

Kaelin, a scientist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, said in a telephone interview that he awoke to the 5 a.m. phone call from Stockholm, wondering at first if it was a dream.

“My heart was racing in disbelief,” Kaelin said.

Ratcliffe, director of clinical research at the Francis Crick Institute in London, was writing a grant proposal when he received the call.

The work began in the 1990s, when Semenza identified genes that turned on when oxygen levels were low to increase levels of erythropoi­etin (EPO), a protein that increases the production of oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

 ??  ?? William G. Kaelin Jr.
William G. Kaelin Jr.
 ??  ?? Gregg L. Semenza
Gregg L. Semenza
 ??  ?? Peter J. Ratcliffe
Peter J. Ratcliffe

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