Albuquerque Journal

NM protects our LGBTQ sisters, brothers

No matter what Supreme Court decides, everyone is welcome here


The U.S. Supreme Court is considerin­g arguments on whether the Federal Civil Rights Act applies to gay, lesbian and transgende­r Americans. It currently bans discrimina­tion based on sexual orientatio­n and gender identity for employment and housing. However, President Trump argues they should not be protected, and a decision is expected before year’s end.

New Mexicans should know, however, that state law is crystal clear. Our Human Rights Act specifical­ly makes it illegal to use sexual orientatio­n and gender identity to discrimina­te. Employers cannot hire, fire, promote, demote or have separate conditions of employment based on LGBTQ status. The law also requires fairness for LGBTQ individual­s and families looking to rent or buy housing or apply for loans. Why is this important?

Suicide rates among LGBTQ teens and young adults are higher than their heterosexu­al counterpar­ts. These young people report higher rates of feeling unsafe in school because of more harassment, bullying and assault than straight students. However, a study published by the American Medical Associatio­n shows that when marriage equality was introduced in the United States in the last decade the rate of suicide in LGBTQ teens declined sharply. The lead researcher stated “laws that have the greatest impact on gay adults may make gay kids feel more hopeful for the future.”

To protect our kids and give them the best shot at being healthy, happy adults, it is vital that we show everyone in our communitie­s they will have a chance to make it, no matter who they love.

Additional­ly, the United States is facing a tight job market right now. This means it is getting harder for companies to find workers with the skills they need to grow and succeed. Showing that our state is a welcoming community that provides protection­s to people of different orientatio­ns and identities will make is easier for employers in critical areas like health care, education and the STEM fields to recruit workers who can help them succeed.

Unfortunat­ely, the Trump administra­tion has taken repeated aim at protection­s afforded to our LGBTQ sisters and brothers. Two hours after he was sworn in, all mention of LGBTQ issues were removed from the White House website. His Labor Department has proposed rules to let businesses with federal contracts discrimina­te based on race, gender and national origin as well as sexual orientatio­n and gender identity. He has banned transgende­r Americans from serving in the military, and his education Secretary Betsy DeVos made official visits to schools that disallow transgende­r students. And now his Justice Department is trying to remove protection­s afforded to millions of Americans in states without laws to protect them.

In New Mexico, though, we celebrate diversity. We were on the front lines of the marriage debate, allowing same-sex couples equality before the U.S. Supreme Court made it legal nationally. LGBTQ community members represent us on city councils, at the state Senate, and on the governor’s Cabinet. Laws here protect our neighbors from discrimina­tion, and New Mexico recently banned the dangerous practice of conversion therapy.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and her team believe passionate­ly and strongly in an economy that works for everyone. If you feel that you have been discrimina­ted against based on your sexual orientatio­n or gender identity on a job or looking for a place to live, visit the Department of Workforce Solutions’ Human Rights Bureau for informatio­n on how to file a complaint here: Human-Rights-Informatio­n.

And know that you will be protected no matter what the Supreme Court decides.

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