Albuquerque Journal

Rio Rancho clubhouse fire rooted in city neglect


THE CHAMISA Hills Golf Course clubhouse sadly “celebrated” its 50th anniversar­y with the clubhouse burning down.

It’s a shame the people who had parties or weddings there have seen their memories go up in smoke caused by political indifferen­ce.

In my opinion, our City Council was complicit in this fire by its own derelictio­n of duty. This fire frightened many residents who have 6-foot-tall weeds on the golf course behind them due to lack of maintenanc­e by the current owner, LD2.

Unfortunat­ely it’s not just fire that concerns the residents, it’s the dangerous ecosystem that the city allowed to develop in the center of town. Coyotes and rattlesnak­es now roam in a part of our city that once had geese, owls, ducks and other wildlife.

People who used to walk the course with their children are now afraid to do so anymore, while other residents now carry firearms when walking their dogs. Vagrants are now periodical­ly arrested caught wandering in people’s backyards.

When attempting to get our City Council to force the current owner to clean up this fire and health hazard, the city just shrugs its shoulders and issues its standard response of “private property.”

When translated politicall­y, this answer means the city will do nothing to protect the residents. They helped to facilitate the destructio­n of the ambiance and property values of all homes not just on the golf course, but homes throughout our city.

This “City of Visionarie­s” could have bought the golf course on the cheap several years ago before LD2 acquired it. They could have kept it a golf course or turned this vacant land into a public park and a wildlife refuge.

Our politician­s fall all over themselves for a photo op when a new Walgreens is built, yet did nothing when this massive acreage became available. These leaders have got to be thrown out of office during the next election cycle.

The city’s inaction on the destructio­n of this prime real estate confirms that Rio Rancho will continue to remain a bedroom community to Albuquerqu­e. TOM RUHL Rio Rancho

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