Albuquerque Journal

Trump takes on an astonished world


WASHINGTON — President Trump stood in a crowded East Room on Wednesday afternoon with the Italian president at his side, scores of aides and reporters at his feet, and a bank of cameras relaying his words to millions. Yet he seemed alone against the world.

The House on Wednesday condemned his sudden Syria pullout in a lopsided 354-to-60 vote. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell repeatedly branded Trump’s actions “a mistake.” The Italian president visited the White House with rebukes from Europe on Syria, NATO and trade. U.S. officials, defying Trump, continued their damaging testimony to the congressio­nal impeachmen­t inquiry. Authoritie­s arrested a fourth associate of Rudy Giuliani.

And Trump acted the way he increasing­ly has lately: as if the walls are closing in. Trump lashed out, indiscrimi­nately, in all directions. His unfocused rage was as cogent as a primal scream and as subtle as a column of Turkish tanks.

He attacked the media and the Democrats, of course, and James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, John Brennan and “the two great lovers,” Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. But he also attacked NATO members and the European Union. He attacked Germany, Spain and France. He attacked his guest — “Italy is only paying 1.1%” of gross domestic product for defense “instead of the mandated 2%.” He attacked Google and Amazon. He attacked those seeking to rename Columbus Day. He floated a new conspiracy theory saying, “I happen to think” 2016 election corruption “goes right up to President Obama.”

Sickeningl­y, he attacked just-abandoned Kurdish allies as if they deserve the massacre they are now receiving. He portrayed these friends as enemies, saying they’re “not angels,” that it’s “natural for them” to fight and that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party is “more of a terrorist threat in many ways than ISIS.”

Trump even attacked fellow Republican­s over Syria, unleashing particular fury on the legislator who has compromise­d himself more than any other to appease Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham. Told Graham had warned abandonmen­t of northern Syria could be a “disaster,” Trump snapped: “I think Lindsey should focus on Judiciary.” …

From there, Trump went on to a private meeting with congressio­nal leaders in which he called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a “thirdgrade politician” and his former defense secretary Jim Mattis “the world’s most overrated general.”

More revealing was who Trump didn’t attack: Turkey and Russia. He said Turkey’s invasion “didn’t surprise me.” He praised Turkey for being “almost paid up” with NATO. He said Russia, Iran and Syria can be trusted to take over the fight against the Islamic State.

Such incoherent rage, combined with confusion distinguis­hing friend from foe, is uniquely disconcert­ing coming from the most powerful man in the world. Trump once worried “the world is laughing at us.” Now the world is staring, mouth agape.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella, likely briefed on a similar rant Trump gave while meeting with the Finnish president, listened without expression to the expansive grievances and said, “I’m not here to judge what other countries do.” …

(Trump’s) furor only increased each time he was confronted with reality. … Trump then coldly washed his hands of the Syrian mess, saying: “I wish them all a lot of luck.”

They’re going to need it. So are we.

This column has been trimmed for space.

 ??  ?? DANA MILBANK Columnist

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