Albuquerque Journal

70 years of sex abuse by Colorado clergy detailed

Report says some 166 kids were abused by 43 priests


DENVER — At least 166 Colorado children were sexually abused by 43 Roman Catholic priests over 70 years, and it took the church an average of nearly 20 years to act against clergy credibly accused of abuse, according to a report released Wednesday by Colorado’s attorney general.

The findings of the independen­t investigat­ion show the state’s three Catholic dioceses spent decades attempting to cover up the abuse, Colorado Public Radio reports.

The monthslong investigat­ion was led by Bob Troyer, a former U.S. attorney for Colorado, and was released by state Attorney General Phil Weiser, who commission­ed the project earlier this year.

The most recent abuse cases involve four children and one Denver priest in 1998. The report says the church continues to receive allegation­s of abuse by clergy dating back decades.

It says priests abused nine children in the 1980s and at least 11 in the 1990s.

In a letter to Catholics on Wednesday, Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila said he will do everything to ensure the widespread abuse doesn’t happen again and that he will follow a series of recommenda­tions by Troyer to enhance reporting and church accountabi­lity.

“I am sorry about this horrible history — but it is my promise to continue doing everything I can so it never happens again,” Aquila said. “My sincere hope is that this report provides some small measure of justice and healing.”

The investigat­ion into the Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo dioceses could not rule out the possibilit­y that clergy currently serving have been accused of sexually abusing children.

“Arguably, the most urgent question asked of our work is this: Are there Colorado priests currently in ministry who have been credibly accused of sexually abusing children?” the report said. “The direct answer is only partially satisfying: We know of none, but we also know we cannot be positive there are none.”

Troyer was sharply critical of the church’s response to abuse allegation­s, finding that the average time it took for a church restrictio­n against a priest credibly accused of abuse was nearly 20 years.

More than half of the victims were abused after church officials were made aware that priests involved were abusers.

“Concluding from this report that clergy child sex abuse is ‘solved’ is inaccurate and will only lead to complacenc­y, which will in turn put more children at risk of sexual abuse,” the report said.

Church officials opened files for the Colorado investigat­ion. It was the latest in numerous investigat­ions across the U.S. into the institutio­n’s sexual abuse crisis.

Weiser has launched a reparation­s program that allows child abuse victims to apply for claims.

 ?? DAVID ZALUBOWSKI/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Samuel Aquila, left, archbishop of the Denver diocese of the Roman Catholic Church, trails Very Rev. Randy Dollins, vicar general, into a Feb. news conference about abuse.
DAVID ZALUBOWSKI/ASSOCIATED PRESS Samuel Aquila, left, archbishop of the Denver diocese of the Roman Catholic Church, trails Very Rev. Randy Dollins, vicar general, into a Feb. news conference about abuse.

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