Albuquerque Journal

Bury transmissi­on lines and protect NM’s vital flyway


BURY SUNZIA and renewable energy transmissi­on lines in protective pipe four feet below the Earth’s surface, and conserve and protect New Mexico’s sensitive natural resources, including respectful­ly doing business in New Mexico without a huge footprint scarring the vast landscape from eastern New Mexico wind farms to (the) Facebook plant, and on west to Arizona and California.

Towering transmissi­on lines generate substantia­l electromag­netic fields, cause sizeable permanent scars on the earth and our special vast vistas, create dangerous or deadly hazards for small planes, balloons and our migrating feathered visitors who travel hundreds or thousands of miles to our state for the winter.

We have been very welcoming to human migrants, and our welcome to our winter birds that are a very important part of our vibrant ecotourism must be equally generous and life-affirming! The Rio Grande Flyway is one of only four flyways in the United States. (It is an) essential life harbor for wildlife of many kinds. Conserving and protecting all of these natural resources is fundamenta­l to sustaining our state and forming respectful foundation­s for ethical business in New Mexico.

I welcome new business to our special state and believe that both of the energy companies that are proposing to carry energy across the state can enjoy a profitable business without permanentl­y damaging important natural resources. (We need) a comprehens­ive plan that cares for the Earth, as well as living lightly on this Earth!


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