Albuquerque Journal

Londoners fought back during bridge attack

Former prisoners helped in melee


LONDON — Even in times of shared, senseless tragedy, an uplifting moment sometimes emerges.

On Saturday, shocked and saddened Londoners dealing with the return of terrorism to their streets after a two-year hiatus found solace in the way bystanders fought to subdue the London Bridge attacker, keeping the death count lower than it would have been if they had fled.

Particular­ly striking were the weapons they used to confront the killer: a fire extinguish­er and — incredibly enough — a 5-foot narwhal tusk apparently taken from the wall of Fishmonger­s’ Hall when the attack began.

Remarkable video from the scene Friday shows one man spraying the fire extinguish­er at the knifewield­ing attacker and trying to hit him with the blunt instrument, while another uses the whale tusk to try to pin the man down.

Others ganged up on the man, wrestling him to the ground and stripping away his weapons.

Additional footage shows another man — said by some media outlets to be a plaincloth­es policeman — calmly walking away from the scene with one of the attacker’s knives, making sure it could not be used to kill again.

The attacker, later identified as 28-year-old convicted terrorist Usman Khan, was restrained until police arrived and — after he flashed what looked like a suicide vest — shot him dead. Two people were killed and three wounded in his attack.

The Londoners’ valor — and ingenuity — did not go unnoticed. They were praised to the skies not only by Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Boris Johnson but also — perhaps more importantl­y — by ordinary people on Twitter.

“We’ll never know how many lives are being saved in this moment. Heroes is an overused word, but entirely correct here,” wrote one man after viewing the video.

“Unbelievab­le Bravery. truly humbling,” a woman wrote.

The brief video had been viewed more than 2 million times on Twitter by Saturday afternoon.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan said the bystanders who brought down the attacker could have followed advice and run away for their own safety but decided to run toward danger instead.

“We saw Londoners, ordinary citizens, acting in an extraordin­ary way,” he said.

Some of those who challenged the attacker were former prisoners attending a conference on rehabilita­tion along with the assailant at Fishmonger­s’ Hall, where the attack apparently began. The group included a murderer who had reformed, British press reports said.

Steve Hurst, who was in a car driving by, got out to join the group trying to restrain the attacker. He told BBC he tried to kick Khan’s foot so he would drop the knife.

“We were trying to do as much as we could to dislodge the knife from his hand so he couldn’t harm anyone else,” he said.

The spontaneou­s decision of the civilians to fight back was part of a trend that seems to have accelerate­d since the 9/11 attacks in 2001, when passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 challenged the hijackers, in effect crashing the plane in rural Pennsylvan­ia before it could reach an intended strategic target in


Plane passengers also played an important role subduing “shoe bomber” Robert Reid before he could light a fuse sticking out from one of his sneakers on an American Airlines flight from Paris to Miami in December 2001. Their interventi­on is credited with saving roughly 200 lives.

In 2013, a woman may have prevented further carnage after the murder and mutilation of British soldier Lee Rigby at the hands of two extremists. She spoke calmly to one of the killers, keeping him engaged while he gripped a bloody meat cleaver, before police arrived.

 ?? @HLOBLOG ?? Police confront Usman Khan after he stabbed five people on London Bridge on Friday. Several bystanders prevented the attacker from stabbing more people.
@HLOBLOG Police confront Usman Khan after he stabbed five people on London Bridge on Friday. Several bystanders prevented the attacker from stabbing more people.

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