Albuquerque Journal

Beat these five financial fears and rest easier


Fear can consume you. The anxiety of the unknown can drive you to pull the blanket over your head, whether you’re worried about a rustling sound outside your bedroom window or that you won’t have enough retirement savings.

Financial fears — not wanting to check your credit, confront your debt or even discuss your student loans — can feel especially shameful. But facing those fears can empower you to take action.

1. Student loan stress

Student loans topped the list of mostfeared financial topics among U.S. adults, according to a 2019 survey of consumers by TD Ameritrade. Student loan debt, at 36%, outranked even living paycheck to paycheck (26 and credit card debt (20%).

HOW TO CONQUER IT: Understand your loans in detail — that’s key to knowing whether you’re on the best repayment plan. Know each loan’s term, balance, interest rate and whether it’s a federal or private loan.

For unaffordab­le federal loans, look into income-driven repayment plans . For private loans, you may be able to refinance for a lower monthly payment (but it may cost more overall).

2. Recession anxiety

Indicators like slowing global economic growth hint that a recession might be coming, raising fears of job loss and asset depletion.

HOW TO CONQUER IT: Shore up your savings and diversify your skills. Build up at least $500 in savings to cover an emergency, advises Boston-based financial coach Kimberly Zimmerman Rand. After that, work toward having a few months’ worth of expenses saved in case of job loss. Make saving easier with direct deposits from your paycheck or automatic transfers from checking to savings.

“On the profession­al side, since we’re not in a recession right now, see how you can improve your job skills, your network, your resume, so if the unfortunat­e does happen, you’ve already laid the foundation to transition to a new position,” Zimmerman Rand says.

3. Credit card debt concerns

Paying off credit card debt can feel like a never-ending task, but there are ways to get it done.

HOW TO CONQUER IT: List each account, interest rate and balance. Then choose a payoff strategy. One popular option is the debt snowball, where you pay off your smallest debts first then roll those payments toward your bigger debts.

4. Credit crisis

Ever been afraid to undergo a credit check or apply for credit because you thought your credit profile wasn’t up to snuff? You’re not alone: 46% of 1,503 U.S. adults surveyed by the financial service company Finicity found themselves in just that situation.

HOW TO CONQUER IT: Check your credit score at your favorite personal finance website or bank website, and access your credit reports for free via AnnualCred­ Looking at your score and reports will help you understand your options for improving your credit.

“Go through your credit report with a fine-tooth comb and contest any untrue informatio­n,” Zimmerman Rand says.

“For bringing up your score, start on positive financial behaviors, like making on-time payments,” she says. Keeping the percentage of your credit limit you use below 30% on all cards will help too.

5. Broke retirement blues

“Among my clients, there’s a kind of feeling of hopelessne­ss when it comes to the idea of retiring,” Zimmerman Rand says. But starting early is most important, not waiting until you can put away a lot.

HOW TO CONQUER IT: If you have a workplace retirement plan that offers an employer match, contribute enough to get it. An individual retirement account is a good alternativ­e if you don’t have a workplace plan. Set yourself up for success by automating contributi­ons and bumping up how much you’re saving every time you get a raise.

Avoid withdrawin­g money from your retirement account to get the maximum benefit from compound interest, where you earn interest on your interest.

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