Albuquerque Journal

Watchdog to investigat­e FBI wiretaps

Probe will be first ‘deep dive’ into FISA


WASHINGTON — The Justice Department’s internal watchdog pledged the first-ever “deep dive” to determine the extent of abuses of the secret court that approves wiretaps of suspected terrorists and national security threats.

“We don’t know what we don’t know,” Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department’s inspector general told the Senate Homeland Security and Government­al Affairs Committee during a hearing on Wednesday.

Horowitz, who said he’ll start with a sampling of cases, opened an inquiry into wiretap orders issued under the Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act after he found multiple failures in the FBI’s applicatio­ns to wiretap former Trump campaign official Carter Page.

“What we’re going to do in the first instance is have our auditors do some selections of counterint­elligence and counterter­rorism” applicatio­ns, Horowitz said. “We have limited resources, and we want to make sure we’re targeting them in the right places.”

President Donald Trump and Republican­s seized on Horowitz’s findings as vindicatio­n for their claims that anti-Trump forces in the FBI and Justice Department wiretapped Page in order to spy on Trump’s campaign and early presidency.

Horowitz said he found no political bias in the FBI’s decisions but that his office was given unsatisfac­tory answers by FBI officials on the failures in the Page warrant applicatio­ns.

Lawmakers from both parties now are talking about revamping the FISA process, especially when it comes to surveillan­ce that affects a political campaign.

Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, suggested during Wednesday’s hearing that the secretive FISA process shouldn’t be used when the target of an operation is a political candidate or campaign.

“We should not subject our political campaigns to secret courts and to secret warrants and secret surveillan­ce,” Paul said.

The court that approves and oversees wiretaps ordered the FBI on Tuesday to explain what it’s doing to ensure applicatio­ns are legally sound and accurate, setting a Jan. 10 deadline.

“The frequency with which representa­tions made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupporte­d or contradict­ed by informatio­n in their possession, and with which they withheld informatio­n detrimenta­l to their case, calls into question whether informatio­n contained in other FBI applicatio­ns is reliable,” U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer wrote

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