Albuquerque Journal

U.S. needs a smooth election to subvert Trump’s chaos


WASHINGTON — When Margaret Fuller, one of 19th century America’s public intellectu­als, grandly proclaimed, “I accept the universe,” Thomas Carlyle, the British historian, reportedly said, “By gad, she’d better.” In 21st-century America, people worry about whether President Donald Trump will “accept” defeat in the election. He’d better. Dignified comportmen­t is not his strong suit, but surely he cannot equably contemplat­e being frogmarche­d out of the White House.

Perhaps hoping to postpone that indignity, he has suggested postponing the election — supposedly to prevent fraud — which only Congress could do. Trump’s proposal performs a public service: With it, he probably — one cannot be certain — has finally unfurled a flag so bedraggled that not even congressio­nal Republican­s, those gluttons for servitude, will salute it.

Today’s presidenti­al noise aimed at fomenting doubts about election integrity should summon the nation to belated seriousnes­s about preventing the calamity of a botched election. Low expectatio­ns of government competence, although increasing­ly reasonable, are intolerabl­e regarding this election, because government­s often live down to expectatio­ns. We know what to expect from Trump.

Writing for The Bulwark, Kim Wehle, law professor and former U.S. attorney, notes there are approximat­ely 250 million voting-age Americans. Of those eligible to vote in 2016, Hillary Clinton received votes from 29%, Trump from 28% — and 39% did not vote. A Knight Foundation study of 12,000 “chronic non-voters” found more than a third abstain because they think their votes do not matter or that “the system is rigged.”

In a normal year, a 60% turnout of eligible voters — the 2016 rate — would be sufficient. Normally, it is not urgent, or even prudent, to hector and prod to the polls people so uninterest­ed in the nation’s civic life that they must be hectored and prodded. This, however, is not a normal year, because the nation’s chief executive, possibly anticipati­ng a defeat in the electoral college as well as in the popular vote, is sowing the suspicion that the election will be rigged — stolen by floods of fraudulent votes. This suspicion will ferment in a substantia­l minority of American minds.

Although the polls look bad for Trump’s future, they look even worse for the nation’s. The fact that 46% of those who voted in 2016 opted for Trump is much less dismaying than the fact that today, in the RealClearP­olitics average of polls, 43% approve of his job performanc­e. In 2016, he was a largely undefined figure to low-informatio­n voters, who are a large majority. Now, however, everyone has had three and a half years of exposure to him, and more than two in five Americans seem amenable to four more years of this.

Three things are clear. First, Trump will again lose the popular vote. Second, if he loses it narrowly, he will claim — as he did when he won in 2016, and as he is beginning to do preemptive­ly — that fraud produced his margin of defeat. Third, many — perhaps most — of his voters, in their inexhausti­ble credulity, will agree.

So, this year every vote cast against him — not just in the relatively few swing states, but also in states he will carry easily and those he will lose decisively — matters. The larger his national popular vote margin of defeat, the more his predictabl­e sore-loser whining will seem not just contemptib­le but risible.

Hence it is imperative that the conduct of this election depend as little as possible on the U.S. Postal Service and state and local government­s doing unusually difficult things. Polling places must be staffed during a pandemic. There will be unpreceden­ted demands for mail ballots, which must be tabulated quickly.

The Republic’s domestic tranquilit­y depends on encouragin­g a historic level of early voting. In 2016, more than 41% of ballots were cast before Election Day. Ideally, 70% will be this year. To minimize the scope for Trump’s sociopathy, the nation needs a timely determinat­ion of the outcome — before sunrise Wednesday, Nov. 4. To facilitate this — to prevent days or even weeks of uncertaint­y, during which Trump can fertilize discord — states should immediatel­y stipulate that mailed ballots must be postmarked five days before Election Day, so that counting can be completed by that evening.

During World War II, the nation bought 60,000 acres of eastern Tennessee wilderness and built an instant city — streets, houses, schools, shops and the world’s most sophistica­ted scientific facilities in Oak Ridge, a component of the Manhattan Project. Americans can do amazing things when alarmed, as they should be about administer­ing the 2020 election.

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