Albuquerque Journal

Clear data, not hysteria, should rule decisions


When is the last time you read a headline in the Albuquerqu­e Journal about a fender bender or a flat tire? Imagine if these incidents were repeatedly lumped in with serious accidents involving totaled cars, hospitaliz­ations and highway deaths.

That is, in effect, what the daily coronaviru­s case count can be compared to. Some days in somber tones, some days with morbid exuberance — “NM 467 new cases shatter single day record.”

We read with horror and fascinatio­n. But have you ever wondered how many of those “cases” will have no symptoms? How many of those cases will have mild symptoms? ...

The Albuquerqu­e Journal has no idea regarding these questions, it does not even bother making an estimation based on scientific data. Therefore can it be considered a useful metric in making decisions that can bankrupt business owners or deny your child an education?

On April 15 the CDC recommende­d states start reporting “probable” COVID-19 cases. That means if you exhibit symptoms but still test negative, or don’t test at all, you are counted as a COVID case.

In June, the waters were further muddied when positive antibodies were also added to the positive case counts. Yes, that means if you had coronaviru­s in April, didn’t know it and fully “recovered” you would still be considered positive if you have antibodies in late July. This makes the case count impossible to understand and sadly exploitabl­e.

My fellow New Mexicans, this has certainly been a sad and shocking time in our state. I have a mother with dementia in a care facility in Iowa so I in no way want to minimize those who are mourning the death of a loved one, the danger to our residents in care facilities and those with health conditions that make them vulnerable.

That being said, the reporting on this issue has been hysteria-inducing. The governor has then made use of that fear to take away your right to educate your child, pray in your church, hold a funeral for your loved one and operate your business in a way that you see fit.

I can only describe what I see here as a mass case of Stockholm syndrome. “We will not question or challenge the governor, she will keep us safe.” This has happened wittingly or unwittingl­y with “data” reported by this newspaper.

The situation will not improve until our press begins to grapple, research and investigat­e this issue and meaningful­ly inform the public. Informing the public involves more than ... regurgitat­ing an obscure number with various degrees of hysteria each day. Focusing on metrics that truly matter ... would go a long way to solve this problem.

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