Albuquerque Journal

End of Trump a pathetic tragedy


THE END of Donald Trump’s presidency has devolved into a pathetic tragedy. What a shame.

In the final days, Trump’s irrational behavior reminds me of Captain Ahab, who jeopardize­d the safety of his ship, the Pequod, and his crew, in a wild and vengeful pursuit of his personal enemy, Moby Dick. Like Ahab, Trump also abandoned his primary mission — to preserve the integrity of the republic by ensuring a peaceful transfer of power.

Instead, he went into hardcore denial, spewing a distortion field of lies, conspiracy theories and hatred, driven on, apparently, by a desperate need to protect his ego. If Trump is like the obsessed Ahab, then his inner demons are like Moby Dick, and the Republican Party is like the Pequod, which goes down in a swirling vortex.

To whom, then, shall we liken Ishmael, the narrator and lone survivor of the tale? Shall it be truth? Shall it be reality? Or shall it be our very fragile republic? KIM D. ASHLEY


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