Albuquerque Journal

The life cycle of the Trump ‘star’


In the life cycle of a star, clouds of gas and dust form a stellar nebula. Some become massive stars, whose nuclear reactions sustain them for millions of years. Eventually, the reactions slow down, and the stars cool and expand to become supergiant­s. These eventually explode as super novae, scattering dust and debris about. A few of them contract into black holes, regions of space whose gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, escapes it.

Donald Trump spent his life gathering money and power until he was visible on the media. He eventually became a television star and lasted many years. However, as his fame grew it diminished in intensity. So, he exploded onto the world stage by running for, and winning, the office of President of the United States. Expanded coverage exploded the myth of his abilities, and revealed many faults and failures that cooled the enthusiasm of the general public. He became our national shame and ceased to function as president, contractin­g into the confines of a narrowed existence. And this sucked in all close to him, destroying careers and jeopardizi­ng seats in Congress.

This should be food for thought for his remaining Republican supporters. ADELE ZIMMERMANN


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