Albuquerque Journal


- ARGUS HAMILTON Argus Hamilton is the host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood. Email him at Argus@ArgusHamil­

God bless America, and how’s everybody?

President Biden issued the order for 200 million vials of COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer on Wednesday in order to get everyone vaccinated soon. Americans have faith in Pfizer’s vaccine, considerin­g their success with Viagra. Any company that can raise the dead can surely save the living.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom reopened restaurant­s in California for outdoor dining this week as the petition to recall him from office reached 1 million signatures. You may ask, how do you get hired to be a California governor? First you have to be turned down by Burger King and McDonald’s.

Alaska’s DMV is under fire after personaliz­ed license plates got made with Nazi terminolog­y on them. I performed up in that crazy state 35 years ago and after one show, the waitresses asked me if I might enjoy going out for a little clubbing. After two minutes I felt really sorry for those seals.

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