Albuquerque Journal


- ARGUS HAMILTON Email: Argus@ArgusHamil­

God bless America, and how’s everybody?

President Biden’s order to ■ halt all deportatio­n of illegal immigrants for 100 days was struck down by a federal judge last week. Some fear the ruling may be too late. An angry mob is now marching toward the southern border, but that’s just Los Angeles looking for warmer weather.

Wall Street firms caused a web riot by day traders ■ when they shut down trades of stocks that day traders were propping up and the firms sold short. After last week, you can’t tell me that the stock market isn’t just astrology for people who wear khakis.

A West Texas sheriff outside Lubbock was called ■ into the country to contain a runaway cow last week and cornered the beast by a fence. His police dog bit the cow, and then the sheriff tasered the police dog, and then finally, the cow kicked the sheriff. It’s the Texas version of rock, paper, scissors.

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