Albuquerque Journal

Corporate backlash on voting law has GOP playing victim

- RUBEN NAVARRETTE Columnist Email ruben@rubennavar­

SAN DIEGO — As Americans bicker over Georgia’s new voting statute, I can’t tell if we’re all talking about the same law. Supporters insist the legislatio­n is simply about preventing voter fraud, preserving election integrity and making sure every vote counts. That sounds lovely. But it’s fiction. What the Georgia law is really about is resisting demographi­c changes in the Peach State, which is now 10% Latino and 60% African American. It’s about protecting white Republican­s by discouragi­ng non-whites from voting. And it’s about calling attention away from the embarrassi­ng fact that Republican­s couldn’t deliver a GOP-controlled state to Donald Trump in November, and that Georgia then went on to lose two Senate seats in runoffs in January.

Democrats could have stopped right there, made that argument and said nothing else. What fun would that be? Of course, they went further. They oversold their outrage and made themselves look silly.

President Joe Biden has called the Georgia law “Jim Crow on steroids.” Last week, Biden doubled down on hyperbole when he said, “These new Jim Crow laws are just antithetic­al to who we are.” That sounds awful. But it’s just more fiction. Here’s the truth. U.S. history, common sense and human nature tell us that voting bills come in only two varieties: those that expand the franchise and those that limit it. The Republican-backed Georgia bill, which has been aggressive­ly defended by Gov. Brian Kemp, falls into the second camp.

Context matters. The law comes after a string of GOP losses, which was fueled by historical­ly high turnout among Latinos and African Americans. The bill should be titled “The Republican Protection Act,” because it is designed to prevent the GOP from losing future elections in a Dixie state that is becoming more racially diverse.

Some big corporate players based in Atlanta — namely Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines — publicly condemned the Georgia bill. This angered cultural conservati­ves, who told the corporatio­ns to butt out because voting isn’t about soft drinks or air travel.

That was dumb. Coca-Cola and Delta have presumably, over the years, paid millions of dollars in local and state taxes in Georgia. They have the right to speak up when the state takes a wrong turn.

Likewise, Major League Baseball had every right to decide that it didn’t want to be associated with Georgia, and so it moved its annual All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver.

Conservati­ves insisted that Colorado has a voting system that is much like one that Georgia will now have.

What they miss is that Colorado didn’t just pass a bill to restrict voting in response to changing demographi­cs and election losses.

Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said it was “quite stupid” for corporatio­ns to wade into political battles.

Last week on Monday, McConnell told reporters at a press conference: “My advice to the corporate CEOs of America is to stay out of politics. Don’t pick sides in these big fights.”

The next day, McConnell dug himself in deeper when, at another press conference, he added this about corporate leaders: “They have the right to participat­e in the political process. … (But) if I were running a major corporatio­n, I’d stay out of politics.”

This is the same Mitch McConnell who — having raised millions of dollars in the past few decades from corporate PACs and private corporate donors — sucks up corporate contributi­ons like a vacuum sucks up dust. McConnell has also spent years fighting against attempts to restrict corporate giving. Clearly, the Republican is interested in what corporate leaders give, but he couldn’t care less what they think. On Wednesday, McConnell corrected himself. “I didn’t say that very artfully yesterday. They’re certainly entitled to be involved in politics. They are. My principal complaint is they didn’t read the darn bill.”

My complaint about Republican­s is that these tantrums over corporatio­ns that grow a conscience have shown them to be a bunch of phony hypocrites who don’t believe in anything but their own survival.

The old Republican­s hated whining, victimhood, cancel culture, racial fearmonger­ing, identity politics and forcing Christian bakeries to bake cakes for same-sex weddings.

The new Republican­s are whiny victims who use identity politics to scare white people, depict corporatio­ns as bullies and threaten to “cancel” companies that choose not to do business in a given state.

Now that it has gotten its feelings hurt by the backlash to the Georgia voting law, the GOP hasn’t just lost its bearings. It has lost its mind.

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