Albuquerque Journal

Amazon urged to curtail bad COVID informatio­n


Two federal lawmakers have requested that Amazon CEO Andy Jassy address concerns about the company’s role in pushing shoppers toward books and products that promote misinforma­tion about the coronaviru­s.

Nearly 18 months into the pandemic, merchandis­e touting unproven COVID-19 remedies and anti-vaccine conspiracy theories continues to land near the top of’s search results for terms related to the disease, recent media reports have highlighte­d.

Amazon “cannot possibly justify the sale of false informatio­n that directly endangers your consumers,” wrote Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., in a Wednesday letter to Jassy, citing University of Washington research that found over 10% of vaccine-related search results on contained misinforma­tion about vaccine efficacy and safety. Amazon’s search algorithms prioritize conspiracy theories, the researcher­s concluded: Books and merchandis­e promoting vaccine misinforma­tion are among the first results shoppers see when they search for terms like “vaccine.”

And until recently, the first result for the search “COVID cure” on Amazon. com was a book about the drug ivermectin, commonly sold in concentrat­ed form as a horse dewormer. The drug’s misuse to treat COVID-19 has sparked warnings from federal regulators amid a slew of calls to poison control centers from people who have overdosed on the potent formula.

Schiff echoed a call earlier this week from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who asked Jassy to “perform an immediate review of Amazon’s algorithms” to determine to what extent they are pushing users toward misinforma­tion.

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