Albuquerque Journal

COVID patients’ kin want more access

CDC says hospitals should continue ban on in-person visits


MIAMI — Banned from the Florida hospital room where her mother lay dying of COVID-19, Jayden Arbelaez pitched an idea to constructi­on employees working nearby.

“Is there any way that I could get there?” Arbelaez asked them, pointing to a small third-story window of the hospital in Jacksonvil­le.

The workers gave the 17-year-old a yellow vest, boots, a helmet and a ladder to climb onto a section of roof so she could look through the window and see her mother, Michelle Arbelaez, alive one last time.

A year and a half into a pandemic that has killed 700,000 people in the U.S., hospitals in at least a halfdozen states have loosened restrictio­ns governing visits to COVID patients. Others, however, are standing firm, backed by studies and industry groups that indicate such policies have been crucial to keeping hospitalac­quired infections low.

Some families of COVID-19 patients — and doctors — are asking hospitals to rethink that strategy, arguing that it denies people the right to be with loved ones at a crucial time.

“We need to get people thinking about that riskbenefi­t equation,” said Dr. Lauren Van Scoy, a pulmonary and critical care physician at Penn State Health who has researched the effects of limited visits on the relatives of COVID-19 patients. “The risk of getting COVID versus the risk of what we know these families are going through, the psychologi­cal and emotional harm.”

Van Scoy said many of the family members she has interviewe­d have shown signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. In newspaper op-ed pieces, doctors have shared conversati­ons with patients who declined or postponed crucial treatments because of the visiting restrictio­ns.

And studies conducted before the pandemic have shown that older patients in intensive care units that restricted visits developed delirium at higher rates than those in units with more flexibilit­y.

Van Scoy agrees it made sense at the beginning of the pandemic to restrict visits because protective equipment and COVID-19 tests were in short supply and there weren’t any vaccines. But now, testing has expanded vastly, much of the population has been vaccinated, and doctors say screening mechanisms and personal protective equipment can keep the virus at bay.

Nonetheles­s, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other experts still recommend against in-person visits for infected patients.

“We do not take lightly the sacrifices we are asking individual­s and their loved ones to make. We would not do so unless it was absolutely necessary,” said Nancy Foster, vice president for quality and patient safety policy at the American Hospital Associatio­n.

Ann Marie Pettis, president of the Associatio­n for Profession­als in Infection Control and Epidemiolo­gy, acknowledg­ed that patients benefit from having visitors but said the group still discourage­s it in most cases.

“I don’t know of any place that doesn’t try very hard because families are incredibly important for the patients’ well-being,” Pettis said. “These are heartbreak­ing decisions that have to be made.”

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