Albuquerque Journal

Worries over loneliness, infection amid pandemic crowd help lines

Calls across the globe showed similarity in toll on mental health


Fears of infection. Loneliness. Worries about physical health.

As the coronaviru­s spread across borders early in the pandemic, calls to global helplines — from China to Lebanon, Finland to Slovenia — showed a striking similarity in the toll on mental health.

An analysis of 8 million calls to helplines in 19 countries, published Wednesday in “Nature,” reveals a collective response to unpreceden­ted, uncertain times.

Callers worried about fears of infection, loneliness and physical health. Calls about relationsh­ip issues, economic problems and suicide-related issues were generally less prevalent than before the pandemic.

The Swiss and German researcher­s looked at helplines in 14 European countries, the United States, China, Hong Kong, Israel and Lebanon.

They included suicidepre­vention and-hotlines and ones providing crisis counseling hotlines.

“We were struck by how similar the broad evolution of helpline call patterns looked across nations,’’ said Marius Brulhart, a University of Lausanne economics professor and the study’s lead author.

Pooling country-specific data during the pandemic’s first 12 weeks in 2020, researcher­s found that call volumes peaked at six weeks, rising 35% above calls during the same period in 2019.

The researcher­s also analyzed data through spring 2021 from two of the largest helplines, in France and Germany. Call patterns in those two countries followed upswings and downswings in infections and government restrictio­ns, with the concerns raised similar to those early in the pandemic.

Strict lockdown and social distancing measures were linked with more calls due to fear, loneliness and suicidal thinking or behavior.

Government­al financial support for workers who lost jobs and businesses that lost patrons had the opposite effect, “alleviatin­g distress and mental health concerns,’’ the researcher­s said.

Karestan Koenen, a Harvard mental health researcher, said patterns linking a decline in calls with government assistance is an important takeaway for policymake­rs.

Analyzing helpline data is “an incredibly creative way to assess mental health in the pandemic’’ in an array of countries, she said. In the U.S., crisis helplines have been heavily promoted throughout the pandemic and that may have broadened their use, Koenen noted.

Concerns raised in the calls echo results from surveys showing the pandemic’s toll on mental health, said Judith Bass, of Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health.

“The idea that fear was part of the early manifestat­ions both makes research sense but also logical sense,’’ Bass said. The virus “was an unknown that nobody had experience­d before.’’

Bass noted that the study didn’t include developing countries, such as those in Africa that have experience­d Ebola and other disease outbreaks.

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