Albuquerque Journal

Our democracy is what we fought for


ALLIED SUPREME Commander Dwight Eisenhower had a difficult time keeping the coordinate­d attack on the European continent coordinate­d. D-Day, June 6, 1944, was supremely challengin­g for the future president. Many egos and self-loving generals had to be placated, dressed down and redirected to make the removal of the Germans, Nazis and Hitler from Europe’s western countries a reality. Embarking the forces of all the countries seeking a role in the reentry made it unanimous for the Allies. They were going to vanquish Hitler and his Nazis to preserve for Europe that one thing that was greatly endangered. Democracy.

That’s the term General Eisenhower invoked. Democracy.

That’s what so many fought for, died for. The removal of dictators was paramount. It remains paramount. We in America keep our Constituti­on and government by the people held high above politics. Never let the lives of those who fought become meaningles­s so that wouldbe dictators can take over America.

Republican­s will go to any level, no matter how low, to remove democracy from our shores for their beloved Donald Trump. Their efforts to install him as “president-for-life” will stop at nothing, no matter the truth or the lies. Their assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6 was just the opening salvo. Their adoration of a quasi-literate, narcissist­ic, (alleged) thieving, swindling, lying innkeeper is incomprehe­nsible until their greed, white supremacy and hate factor in.

Examinatio­n of dictatorsh­ips throughout history reveals the outcomes of such flailing government­s with glaring regularity. “Exclusive” strata of everything for only the wealthy who can pay for access. A society with only two classes: Very wealthy or very poor. No middle class. Republican­s are on a course to achieve precisely that.

Celebrate the survival of your veterans and the country they saved. No Trump.


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