Albuquerque Journal

Public’s trust in tap water eroded by past deception

Federal survey finds 20% of US adults say they don’t drink tap water


ST. LOUIS — Angela Stamps won’t drink water from her faucet, showers less and no longer takes the baths she once found relaxing. She doesn’t cook with tap water and sometimes skips rinsing her produce.

Even though the amount of lead in Flint, Michigan’s tap water has been well below a key state threshold for several years, she hasn’t been able to stop worrying since going through the trauma of the city’s lead crisis. “I just don’t trust it,” she said. As the Biden administra­tion looks to spend billions of dollars to address inequaliti­es in water quality and access, officials must try to overcome persistent public distrust of tap water.

Experts say it will be especially difficult to overcome in Black and Hispanic communitie­s, where suspicion can be entrenched because of past instances of being misled by public officials and high-profile lead crises in cities with large Black population­s, including Flint and Newark, New Jersey.

“Problems in one place erode trust in other places,” said David Switzer, a water quality and public policy researcher at the University of Missouri.

The issue will hit home in many cities and towns as the Biden administra­tion pushes to replace millions of lead service lines in the U.S. that can leach lead into drinking water. In addition, tightened testing standards might reveal higher lead levels and put more communitie­s on notice about problems.

Lead exposure can cause a host of health problems and is considered especially dangerous for young children because it can slow developmen­t and cause other troubles.

Already, 20% of adults nationally say they don’t drink tap water — filtered or not — up from 14% before the Flint crisis, according to a study of federal survey data. The figures are higher among Black adults, with 35% saying they avoid drinking tap, up from 25% before Flint. Among Hispanic adults, the figure rose to 38%, up from 27%.

That distrust can translate to unnecessar­y spending on bottled water or make it more likely that adults reach for sugary drinks that can increase the risk of health problems such as diabetes and cavities, said Asher Rosinger, a Pennsylvan­ia State University researcher who studies water access.

There’s also the constant stress for parents who worry that tap water might poison their children, he said.

Though the vast majority of the country’s water systems report that they meet federal health standards, problems such as elevated lead levels and health violations happen more often in lower-income areas that are predominan­tly Black or Hispanic, Switzer said.

Defective plumbing that tinges water brown or creates an odd taste can also turn people away from the faucet. Immigrants from countries with unsafe water might transfer that distrust to water that might be safer in the U.S. and pass that uneasiness on to their children, said Silvia R. González, who works on environmen­tal equity and water issues at UCLA’s Latino Policy and Politics Initiative.

“Thinking about my family, my dad will not drink the tap water, and therefore my brother does not drink the tap water,” said Gonzalez, whose father immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico.

And if residents feel their local government is indifferen­t to their needs — a problem especially prevalent in Black and brown communitie­s — that can foster distrust in drinking water, according to experts.

“There’s a legacy of mistrust and a healthy sense of paranoia that has kept us alive for centuries,” said Robert Bullard, a professor at Texas Southern University who has researched and pushed for environmen­tal justice for decades.

For some, the Flint crisis reinforced suspicions that public officials are indifferen­t to Black and brown communitie­s. Michigan officials had switched the city’s water source to save money and initially downplayed the problem before the facts emerged and it became a major scandal.

“People rightly felt betrayed,” said Mark Edwards, a water quality specialist at Virginia Tech.

 ?? CARLOS OSORIO/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Angela Stamps holds a sampling of tap water in Flint, Mich. Highprofil­e cases of lead contaminat­ion in predominan­tly Black cities and a history of deception have led to a public distrust of tap water.
CARLOS OSORIO/ASSOCIATED PRESS Angela Stamps holds a sampling of tap water in Flint, Mich. Highprofil­e cases of lead contaminat­ion in predominan­tly Black cities and a history of deception have led to a public distrust of tap water.

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