Albuquerque Journal

Ukrainian, Russian leaders exchange rhetorical volleys over invasion fears

Putin accuses US, allies of ignoring Moscow’s proposals


KYIV, Ukraine — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday accused the United States and its allies of ignoring Moscow’s security proposals, while Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on the West to take tougher measures to deter a Russian invasion of his country.

The rhetorical volleys from Moscow and Kyiv came against a backdrop of intensifyi­ng diplomatic activity aimed at staving off a Russian military move into Ukraine, the neighbor it invaded eight years ago. Although more than 100,000 Russian troops are massed on Ukraine’s border, Putin faulted the West for causing tensions, depicting a deliberate attempt to goad Moscow into making a military move.

“Ukraine itself is just an instrument to achieve this goal,” the Russian leader said. “This can be done in different ways, by drawing us into some kind of armed conflict” that would trigger harsh Western sanctions against Russia.

The Kremlin, Putin said, was still weighing written responses from Washington and NATO over his demands that NATO rule out ever allowing Ukraine to join the alliance — a scenario that would almost certainly be years away, if it happened at all — and that it restrict alliance activities in eastern Europe.

“But it is already clear that Russia’s fundamenta­l concerns have been ignored,” he said. “NATO refers to the right of countries to choose freely, but you can’t strengthen someone’s security at others’ expense.”

At the same time, the Russian president said he still hoped for a diplomatic resolution to the standoff. “I hope that we will eventually find a solution, although we realize that it’s not going to be easy,” he said.

In Kyiv, Zelenskyy praised allied backing for Ukraine, but suggested the West should do more to dissuade Putin from any aggression, rather than waiting until after the fact to punish Moscow. At a side-by-side news conference with visiting British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Zelenskyy said the two discussed deterrence.

“Prevention is better than treatment,” the Ukrainian president said. He said a pullback of Russian troops massed near Ukraine would be “the only true answer to a question: whether Russia is going to continue the escalation or not.”

Zelenskyy has made a concerted effort to play down the likelihood of a Russian re-invasion, suggesting in recent days that Western warnings of an imminent threat were overly alarmist. Johnson, though, portrayed Putin as “holding a gun to Ukraine’s head,” saying there was a “clear and present danger” of a Russian attack.

Were that to happen, Johnson said, Russian troops would face “very, very fierce and bloody resistance” from Ukrainian forces.

Ukraine is far outmatched by Russia militarily, but on Tuesday, Zelenskyy signed a decree expanding the army by 100,000 service members over the next three years, which would bring its troop total to 350,000. The country’s military posture has changed considerab­ly since 2014, when Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula without a fight, and fomented a separatist rebellion in Ukraine’s east, a simmering conflict that has killed 14,000 people.

Earlier Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke by phone with his Russian counterpar­t, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Echoing a pattern of previous U.S.-Russian talks — and coming a day after an acrimoniou­s U.S.-Russia showdown at the U.N. Security Council — the session did not appear to produce any breakthrou­ghs.

 ?? UKRAINIAN DEFENSE MINISTRY VIA AP ?? An American instructor trains Ukrainian soldiers in the use of the M141 Bunker Defeat Munition missile at the Yavoriv military training ground in western Ukraine on Sunday.
UKRAINIAN DEFENSE MINISTRY VIA AP An American instructor trains Ukrainian soldiers in the use of the M141 Bunker Defeat Munition missile at the Yavoriv military training ground in western Ukraine on Sunday.

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