Albuquerque Journal



For the week that ended April 1

Contact your legislator­s at the U.S. Capitol ZIP codes: House 20515, Senate 20510 Capitol operator: (202) 224-3121

ACQUITTALS AND SENTENCING: The House has passed the Prohibitin­g Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act (H.R. 1621), sponsored by Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., to prevent federal courts from considerin­g acquittals when sentencing criminals to prison sentences. The vote, on March 28, was 405 yeas to 12 nays.

YEAS: Rep. Melanie Stansbury, D-1, Rep. Yvette Herrell, R-2, Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez, D-3

STATUES OF FEMALE JUSTICES: The House has passed a bill (S. 3294), sponsored by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., to place in the Capitol in Washington, D.C., statues of Supreme Court justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The vote, on March 28, was 349 yeas to 63 nays.

NAYS: Herrell

YEAS: Stansbury, Leger Fernandez

COLD HOMICIDE CASES: The House has passed the Homicide Victims Families’ Rights Act (H.R. 3359), sponsored by Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., to create a legal framework for the immediate relatives of murder victims who were killed more than three years ago to request that a relevant federal agency review the case file for the killing. The vote, on March 29, was 406 yeas to 20 nays.

YEAS: Stansbury, Herrell, Leger Fernandez

COVID ORAL HISTORIES: The House has passed the COVID-19 American History Project Act (H.R. 4738), sponsored by Rep. Julia Letlow, R-La., to fund an oral history project at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. The project would gather stories from people who contracted COVID and whose relatives died from COVID, and health care workers. The vote, on March 29, was 376 yeas to 47 nays.

YEAS: Stansbury, Herrell, Leger Fernandez

PUBLIC TRANSIT AND SEX CRIMES: The House has passed the Stop Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transporta­tion Act (H.R. 5706), sponsored by Rep. Peter A. DeFazio, D-Ore. The bill would require transporta­tion providers to establish policies for handling sexual assault and sexual harassment, and establish reporting and disclosure requiremen­ts for such incidents. The vote, on March 30, was 339 yeas to 85 nays.

NAYS: Herrell

YEAS: Stansbury, Leger Fernandez

GRANT APPLICATIO­NS: The House has passed the Care is an Economic Developmen­t Strategy Act (H.R. 5547), sponsored by Rep. Nikema Williams, D-Ga., to require applicants for federal grants to explain how they plan to use the funding to increase their provision of affordable, quality, care-based services. The vote, on March 30, was 304 yeas to 122 nays.

NAYS: Herrell

YEAS: Stansbury, Leger Fernandez

NEGOTIATIN­G ECONOMIC STRATEGY LEGISLATIO­N: The House has passed a motion to instruct conferees with the Senate on negotiatin­g the two chambers’ versions of the America COMPETES Act (H.R. 4521), which would increase spending on various U.S. economic strategy efforts. The vote to instruct, on March 31, was 351 yeas to 74 nays.

YEAS: Stansbury, Herrell, Leger Fernandez

INSULIN PRICING: The House has passed the Affordable Insulin Now Act (H.R. 6833), sponsored by Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn., to cap an insured individual’s payments for insulin under Medicare or private insurance plans. The vote, on March 31, was 232 yeas to 193 nays.

NAYS: Herrell

YEAS: Stansbury, Leger Fernandez

 ?? ?? HOUSE
Melanie Stansbury (D)
Teresa Leger
Fernandez (D)
Yvette Herrell (R)
HOUSE Melanie Stansbury (D) Teresa Leger Fernandez (D) Yvette Herrell (R)

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