Albuquerque Journal

Legislator­s should focus on real solutions to confront crime

NM can’t keep throwing time, money on jailing as many as possible


New Mexico’s 2022 legislativ­e session revealed a troubling trend in the Roundhouse: lacking the political will to pass meaningful public safety legislatio­n, some elected officials relied on false and harmful rhetoric when it came to addressing public safety. Legislativ­e efforts to address crime in New Mexico this year fell far short of measures that decades of research show actually address the root causes of crime in our state. New Mexico could be investing in programs to address substance abuse, provide job opportunit­ies in historical­ly underserve­d communitie­s and make it easier for people trying to rebuild their lives after a criminal conviction to successful­ly re-enter society.

Legislator­s had a chance to do just that through bills that would match court fines and fees with an individual’s ability to pay to break the vicious cycle of poverty, debt and desperatio­n that can lead to crime. Other bills would’ve given people released from prison a chance to successful­ly and fully re-enter society, including by automatica­lly restoring their right to vote.

Those bills, however, died from a lack of time and political will in the Roundhouse.

Instead, our legislator­s reached for costly, antiquated and failed policies focused on throwing as many people as possible in jail, for as long as possible. For example, an effort to roll back bail reform and impose pretrial detention would have risked holding innocent people in jail and had virtually zero impact on public safety. That bill thankfully failed when it was confronted with facts and evidence, but not all harmful bills were stopped.

Legislator­s created new additions to the criminal code for actions largely already covered by existing crimes, inflating our bloated criminal legal system. Likewise, harsher penalties won’t deter crime or help victims and will instead only make rehabilita­tion and re-entry harder – at taxpayers’ expense. Evidence has shown the harsh consequenc­es of the criminal legal system drive economic insecurity and substance abuse, leading only to more crime and more destabiliz­ing criminal legal consequenc­es. If we are going to build truly safe communitie­s, we cannot continue in this way.

Our communitie­s deserve legislatio­n that actually addresses the root causes of crime and works to make us and our families safer in the long term through creative and compassion­ate interventi­ons.

With the nationwide increase in crime, New Mexicans deserve better than outdated ideas we know won’t make us safer. And with the reality of limited resources, we cannot afford to keep throwing money at policies that will not solve the problem.

We demand better from our legislator­s and our candidates. With the 2022 elections upon us, they must all resist the urge to play on fear and parrot lines supporting wasteful and harmful policies.

New Mexicans need real, evidence-based solutions that build a safer, more equitable New Mexico for us all, and elected officials who have the courage to get us there.

Our lives and futures depend on it. We cannot accept anything less.

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