Albuquerque Journal

Women’s right to choose a growing issue in elections


“Since Roe v. Wade, Republican­s, by and large, want to bury their heads in the sand, hoping that nobody is really paying attention. But that’s not what’s happening. Millions of women, millions and millions of women were outraged over it.”

This observatio­n — or warning — wasn’t made by a left-leaning political pundit but by the staunchly anti-abortion Congresswo­man Nancy Mace of South Carolina. While she proudly touts a solid pro-life voting record, Mace has long sounded the alarm political agendas centered on extreme abortion restrictio­ns lose elections. She’s right.

For nearly 50 years, abortion wasn’t the primary issue driving voters to the polls because Roe’s protection­s prevented radical candidates from fulfilling their campaign promises to annihilate reproducti­ve freedoms. But less than a year since Roe fell, it’s an issue that’s galvanized millions of Americans. After the 2022 midterms, the Kaiser Family Foundation found almost half of all voters nationwide said overturnin­g Roe v. Wade had a major effect on the candidates they supported. Exit polls showed that voters in some swing states ranked abortion as the most critical issue in that election.

We’ve also seen how consequent­ial abortion is as an electoral issue outside the midterms, a significan­t indicator for 2024. Last August, voters in Kansas flatly rejected a proposed state constituti­onal amendment that would have said there was no right to abortion in the state. It was a landslide victory for reproducti­ve rights, winning nearly 60% of the vote in a state long considered an anti-abortion stronghold. More recently, in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, voters chose — with a double-digit margin — Janet Protasiewi­cz as their newest justice, who campaigned on restoring abortion rights in the state.

Protasiewi­cz’s win also showed voters elect candidates who focus on a comprehens­ive vision for the future, not those who attempt to send us back in time by resurrecti­ng archaic laws. Again in Wisconsin, the decision to overturn Roe effectivel­y restored the state’s abortion ban from 1849, which generated tremendous chaos and confusion for providers, patients and lawmakers.

Last September, Arizona re-enacted an abortion ban from 1864 — a law almost 50 years older than the state itself. And, of course, the longdorman­t Comstock Act of 1873 is the cornerston­e of the argument to ban medication abortion. How can we expect anyone in the 21st century to understand and abide by laws crafted to address Civil War-era issues?

Meanwhile, pro-choice voters swept abortion ballot measures in six states in the 2022 midterms — including one in Michigan that would help block the state’s ban from 1931. Antiaborti­on activists are fully aware this is a losing issue for them with voters, so they rely on and have weaponized the courts to carry out their unpopular agendas.

Ever since Roe was overturned, abortion has become a “black light” issue of sorts — one that can authentica­te a candidate or reveal their hypocrisie­s. As demonstrat­ed in the last election, anti-abortion candidates have engaged in an ideologica­l and rhetorical tap dance around the issue to — temporaril­y — avoid recommitti­ng to their previously staunch “pro-life” views. They clearly know how their constituen­cies truly feel about abortion, but they don’t care. Many of these candidates have tried to maintain their anti-government, misogynist­ic street creds by defaulting to the classic “states’ rights” dog whistle — a transparen­t excuse to allow states to enact discrimina­tory laws.

Right now, we’re in the midst of a collision course heading into 2024, pitting extremist leaders forcing a radical anti-abortion agenda against the growing majority of Americans who support a woman’s right to choose. But the record is clear — abortion is the decisive issue in elections.

 ?? ?? Christian Nunes
Christian Nunes

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