Albuquerque Journal

There’s a reckoning coming for profitdriv­en industry


You cannot ignore the issue of abortion. A 40-year precedent was overturned in the Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade. Abortion is a winning issue because it is a relevant issue. It is not going to go away. Often issues take on new forms as time evolves. Just as with the issue of slavery, the abolitioni­sts prevailed in the Civil War, but today we have the organized crime of human traffickin­g dubbed modern-day slavery. So, the issue of slavery has never really gone away, it’s just taken on a new form, and so it will be with abortion. We may get to the point where we can abolish the right of a mother to take the life of her child. But we will never get away from the circumstan­ces of unplanned pregnancie­s and the malignant pharmaceut­ical companies that will put profit over people.

If the issue is relevant, you lose when you don’t discuss it. You lose when one party is talking about it, and the other is not. One party looks trustworth­y, and the other looks as if it has something to hide.

The abortion issue is critical to the welfare of American women and women beyond our borders. Abortion is the next infomercia­l for a class-action lawsuit. Let me explain why.

The abortion pill makes up more than half of all U.S. abortions ... This ... regime was initially approved as RU-486 and carried a black box warning from the FDA because of its significan­t risk of adverse effects. Yet, these chemical pills have been promoted as safe and effective for women by the same medical profession­als who receive kickbacks from the pill’s manufactur­er, Danco Pharmaceut­icals.

The abortion pill regime has become the go-to method because it saves the abortion industry time and money on the overhead of facilities and certified physicians. It is a do-it-yourself method that has led to untold physical and psychologi­cal harm to the women the industry claims to support. There has been a 500% spike in emergency room visits because of the abortion pill, and there have been more than 4,000 reported adverse effects and 24 recorded deaths.

In the recent lawsuit filed by Alliance for Hippocrati­c Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion, “the 5th Circuit’s order prohibits abortionis­ts from sending chemical abortion drugs through the mail, which the FDA had been allowing since 2021 in direct violation of longstandi­ng federal law. Additional­ly, in 2016, the FDA extended the permissibl­e gestationa­l age of the baby for which a girl or woman may take chemical abortion drugs — from seven weeks’ gestation to 10 weeks’ gestation. The 5th Circuit’s order moved that back to seven weeks’ gestation, protecting the mother from adverse complicati­ons that increase with gestationa­l age, reinstated necessary doctor visits, and brought back the requiremen­t that abortionis­ts must check women for complicati­ons after their chemical abortions. The 5th Circuit also agreed with ADF — Alliance Defending Freedom, who represente­d the plaintiffs in the case — attorneys that the FDA’s approval of generic mifepristo­ne was unlawful and the manufactur­er must cease production.”

With all these reversals, one can see how many safeguards were removed over time in the name of abortion “access,” but really profit. They make money on the regime, then on the emergency room visits and other complicati­ons women, who often have no insurance, come in with and then on more of the dosages of the pill regime to complete the botched abortion.

This irregulate­d “access” has resulted in numerous women suffering unnecessar­ily from gestationa­l misdiagnos­is because pills in the mail do not replace a doctor physically examining someone, downplayin­g the dangerous risks associated with ingesting chemicals powerful enough to not only end the life of the child but the mother as well. The psychologi­cal trauma added at the sight of the aborted remains that the manufactur­er and distributo­rs like Planned Parenthood says should be discarded in the shower or toilet gets overlooked. No one has yet to tell how this mishandlin­g of medical bio-waste affects our septic and water systems. Another future lawsuit infomercia­l?

In the case of abortion, African American women make up 7% of the population but have the highest abortion rate in the country. Among the revelation­s that Black women are often treated with less care by medical profession­als, they are among the most harmed by the abortion industry’s lack of protocol and safety and reinforces our grievances with the medical community in America.

Last, sexual abusers and partners who are unwilling fathers have access to the abortion pill and have used it to force women to abort and cover up their assaults.

There is a reckoning coming with abortion. It is the same old fight of snake-oil pharmaceut­ical companies versus the vulnerable who believed the product could fix their problems but instead brought them new ones, and, in this case, the latest issue is abortion. There is no hiding from this as it will undoubtedl­y be the medical negligence and malpractic­e of the century, where women, Black women and those sexually exploited will bring a reckoning to the abortion industry.

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Patrina Moseley

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