Albuquerque Journal

Rental database can improve ABQ’s housing outcomes

Many cities use such data to aid both landlords and tenants


Everyone deserves the safety and security that comes from stable housing, and housing outcomes are improved when lawmakers enact sound policies. Good policies, however, require good data, and without knowing the needs of landlords and renters, it’s impossible for lawmakers to identify ways to help city residents, improve housing security and make Albuquerqu­e stronger in the process.

Fortunatel­y, the Albuquerqu­e City Council has the opportunit­y to address this underlying barrier to better housing policies by passing O-22-59, which proposes a simple solution: create a rental database. By passing O-22-59, Albuquerqu­e would be able to gather data about the city’s residentia­l rental market, improve communicat­ions between the city and landlords, and protect the health and well-being of rental occupants. In fact, Albuquerqu­e already has a database of short-term rentals for individual­s who rent their homes through platforms like Airbnb or VRBO because creating a database is a simple, logical approach to understand­ing and addressing housing outcomes.

Rental databases are particular­ly helpful for mom-and-pop landlords. Small landlords face different challenges than large-scale landlords and own an increasing­ly smaller portion of rental units compared to investor-landlords. The easiest way to support landlords is through a rental database so lawmakers can implement specific policies and target their outreach to address the issues that mom-and-pop landlords face. For example, Philadelph­ia has a rental registry, which helps the city provide landlords up to $25,000 for property improvemen­t.

By helping mom-and-pop landlords, a rental database also helps the more than 95,000 renters in the city. This is because mom-and-pop landlords are more likely to offer affordable rental housing options and rent to tenants of color compared to large-scale landlords. Therefore, setting up a rental database and providing targeted support to mom-and-pop landlords allows Albuquerqu­e to maintain its affordable housing and provide more housing options to residents of color.

In addition, rental databases protect the health and well-being of tenants by improving code enforcemen­t. In fact, an analysis of rental property registrati­on in Austin found code inspectors used the city’s rental database to track and prioritize the most hazardous properties so the city could work with landlords to take appropriat­e action. Before the rental database, inspection­s were driven by complaints, which was difficult because tenants did not always report code violations for fear of retaliatio­n. Effective code enforcemen­t is essential to ensure healthy and safe housing, which is important given that substandar­d housing can lead to negative health outcomes like chronic disease and injury. A rental database would also allow Albuquerqu­e to identify households at risk of displaceme­nt, facilitate community outreach, and better enforce existing tenant protection­s.

Given the positive impacts of a rental database for landlords and tenants, Albuquerqu­e should join the growing number of municipali­ties that already use a rental database, such as the 20 cities in Texas and the eight in California. When the City Council meets on Monday, May 1, members should pass O-22-59 to build a foundation for good rental policies, improve housing outcomes and create a city where every resident can access the housing they need to succeed and thrive.

 ?? ?? Divya Shiv
Divya Shiv

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