Albuquerque Journal

Look to Gaza to see what Palestinia­n state would look like

- CAL THOMAS Readers may email Cal Thomas at

On “60 Minutes” last Sunday, President Biden said he thinks it would be a “mistake ... for Israel to occupy ... Gaza again.” He also conceded that eliminatin­g Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon “is a necessary requiremen­t.”

At the same time, the president said, “There needs to be a path to a Palestinia­n state.”

If anyone wants to see a preview of what a Palestinia­n state would look like, they should consider Gaza. Only the self-deluded believe such a state would not be used by terrorists to complete the “final solution” of wiping Israel off the map. Is there any credible evidence that would prove otherwise?

Palestinia­n Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, whom the media label a “moderate,” first tried to claim that Hamas doesn’t represent the Palestinia­n people and criticized its murderous actions. He then seemed to walk back his comment when it was removed from a report in the PA’s mouthpiece news agency, WAFA.

The president said “the extreme elements of Hamas don’t represent all the Palestinia­n people.” Hitler may not have represente­d all the German people. Mao Zedong may not have represente­d all the Chinese people. Josef Stalin may not have represente­d all the Russian people. Idi Amin may not have represente­d all the Ugandan people. And so on. Evil doesn’t need a majority to inflict death and mayhem, though a majority can oppose and defeat it if they have the will.

As for Hamas not representi­ng all Palestinia­n people, why did a majority of Gazans vote for them in the 2006 Palestinia­n Legislativ­e Council elections, the last elections held, that also saw another terrorist group, Fatah, put in power in the West Bank?

Some in the media are already reverting to their past approach when violence has been inflicted on Israel. After a brief focus on the horrific deaths of Israeli civilians, soldiers, women, children, babies, and hostage-taking by Hamas, The Washington Post and New York Times are now reporting on the ”humanitari­an crisis” in Gaza.

At the extreme, a Reuters fact check of an online video suggests Israeli concert goers were unharmed by Hamas’ terrorist attack. This is prompting Hamas sympathize­rs to argue that the attack didn’t happen at all. They should join the Holocaust deniers. If the attack didn’t happen, perhaps the deniers can tell us the motivation behind Hamas’ invasion and killing spree.

Just days before the Hamas attacks, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan claimed the Middle East region was “quieter” than it had been in two decades. On “Meet the Press” last Sunday, Sullivan refused to walk back his statement, saying it was made “in the context of developmen­ts in the wider Middle East region over the last few years.” That would include the Abraham Accords, achieved by the Trump administra­tion, but the current administra­tion is determined not to credit Trump with anything.

What will these events do to the Biden administra­tion’s push for a nuclear deal with Iran? Secretary of State Antony Blinken said with a straight face that there is no “direct evidence” linking Iran to Hamas’ actions. Tehran’s fingerprin­ts are all over them. Iran has trained and funded not only Hamas, but other groups intent on destroying Israel. Scott Pelley should have asked President Biden whether the nuclear deal is off the table and if not, why not?

As long as U.S. policy includes support for a Palestinia­n state there will likely be additional cycles of violence. The Palestinia­n National Authority should be told that given what Hamas has done, that scenario is no longer possible.

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