Albuquerque Journal

For addicts, holidays can present many triggers

Healing is a continuous process, and having vulnerable moments is to be expected


The holidays are frequently portrayed as a time of happiness, family time, and celebratio­n. Families congregate, lights twinkle, and a spirit of celebratio­n permeates the air. But the holidays can also present special difficulti­es and elevated stress for those in addiction recovery, which raises the possibilit­y of relapse.

I want to discuss the complexity of relapse during the holidays, emphasizin­g the value of resilience, support, and compassion in dealing with this problem. First and foremost, it’s critical to understand that expectatio­ns are raised during the holidays. Creating and participat­ing in picture-perfect celebratio­ns whether through elaborate gift-giving, lavish dinners, or social gatherings is a constant pressure. For those in recovery, this pressure can intensify feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. Relapse anxiety can be genuine, particular­ly for people who do not have a large support network.

Society must change its mindset to recognize that healing is a continuous process and that having vulnerable moments is normal. Relapse can occur during the recovery process because it is not a straight line. Rather than being a time for people to prove themselves, the holidays should be viewed as a chance to offer them additional support. Addressing the problem of relapse during the holidays begins with fostering an atmosphere of compassion and understand­ing. Friends and family must be informed about addiction and ready to provide unwavering support.

The holidays frequently bring with them many triggers, including gatherings with large amounts of alcohol and old friends and family dynamics. It can be especially difficult for people in recovery to deal with these triggers. Making a plan to prevent relapses is therefore essential. The plan ought to cover techniques for handling stress, staying away from dangerous situations, and getting assistance when needed. It can be a lifeline during the holidays, giving people a recovery road map to keep them on track.

In addition, the stigma associated with addiction must be eliminated. Addicts may feel isolated from society due to the judgmental attitudes of others, which may discourage them from seeking assistance or admitting to their relapses. Eliminatin­g stigma can greatly lessen the guilt and shame that frequently trigger relapses. Those who are in recovery may also experience feelings of loneliness or isolation during the holiday season. For those who have damaged relationsh­ips with their loved ones or have lost family members to addiction, the emphasis on family and unity may exacerbate feelings of alienation.

During this time, communitie­s and addiction support groups must offer a sense of belonging. These relationsh­ips can serve as a protective barrier against any emotional difficulti­es that the holidays may present. Support networks are essential for preventing relapses. Family, friends, therapists, and support groups should all be a part of these support networks.

People in recovery are more in need of their support systems during the holidays. Promoting candid talks and lending a sympatheti­c ear can have a profound impact. Family members and close friends can also help recognize possible triggers and steer clear of circumstan­ces that might cause a relapse. Furthermor­e, addressing relapse during the holidays requires resilience. The capacity to overcome hardship is known as resilience, and it is essential to sustaining long-term healing.

People can manage the particular stressors of the holiday season and continue on their path to sobriety by cultivatin­g resilience. Concentrat­ing on self-care is one strategy to develop resilience. Self-care can be a lifeline during the stressful times of the holidays.

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