Albuquerque Journal

Fun Holiday Fitness Routines

With the rise of virtual fitness options, it is increasing­ly possible to stay active and energized without leaving the comfort of home.


Nor does working out have to be dull or routine. Infuse your holiday workout regimen with a healthy dose of fun with holiday-themed yoga and virtual fitness classes.


Gone are the days when fitness enthusiast­s were limited to traditiona­l gym settings. Virtual fitness classes have taken the wellness industry by storm, offering an array of exercise options accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

During the holidays, when time may be limited or the weather unfavorabl­e, virtual fitness classes provide a convenient solution. Explore online platforms that offer a variety of classes, including cardio, strength training, dance and yoga. Join live sessions or access pre-recorded workouts at your convenienc­e.

Not only will these classes keep you active, but they can also introduce you to a supportive virtual community that helps you stay motivated. It’s also possible to find classes that celebrate the holidays by incorporat­ing holiday music or creating specific exercises or dance steps related to holiday themes.


The practice of yoga provides a sanctuary of peace and mindfulnes­s, which can be particular­ly valuable during the bustling holiday season.

Embrace the spirit of the holi-days by incorporat­ing holi-day-themed yoga into your workout routine. Explore poses and flows inspired by holiday symbols, such as the Five-Pointed Star Pose, Christmas Tree, Snowflake or Reindeer.

Sites like Yoga Internatio­nal have articles where they teach holiday-related practices such as breathing exercises, poses, flows and variations. Shiningkid­ recommends a Yoga Dreidel Game that combines the traditiona­l Hannukkah game with yoga cards and Hebrew letter cards. The yoga cards are linked to each symbol on the dreidel and whatever symbol it lands on, everyone does the pose.

Consider integratin­g deep breathing exercises and meditation into your practice to cultivate a sense of calm and gratitude amidst the holiday hustle.


Create some new healthy traditions this year by participat­ing in festive fitness challenges. Sign up for an advent calendar run online where you complete 12 runs in the days leading up to Christmas. Participat­e in a Santa Race where you run enough miles to cover the distance from the North Pole to your house.

Piedmont offers instructio­ns on how to do such exercises as the Santa Claus Shuffle, the Sugar Plum Squat, Candy Cane Crunches and hot cocoa calf raises.

Planning to do a white elephant gift exchange? See if your friends and family are willing to turn it into a fitness event in which you have to do exercises from a “nice list” in order to pick a gift and exercises from a “naughty list” to earn the right to steal a gift.

The Slimming Clinic has several holiday-themed fitness activities. Do sit-ups while hanging ornaments on the lower branches of your trees. Listen to a Christmas playlist and every time a chosen word is sung, everyone gets up and does ten jumping jacks. For every present a person opens, they have to run up and down a flight of stairs.

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