Albuquerque Journal

Researcher­s developing test for psychiatri­c disorders

Study focused on potential of particles to show what’s happening in the brain


BALTIMORE — Johns Hopkins researcher­s say they’re getting closer to developing a blood test that would identify changes in the brain associated with psychiatri­c and neurologic­al disorders — an advancemen­t that could enable doctors to detect the early signs of mental health emergencie­s.

In a study published last month in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Molecular Psychiatry, researcher­s focused on the potential of particles called extracellu­lar vesicles to provide a window into what’s happening inside a person’s brain.

Extracellu­lar vesicles are fatty sacs of genetic material that are released by every tissue in the body, including the brain.

Sarven Sabunciyan, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the paper’s senior author, compared them to rafts that travel between cells. They sometimes carry messenger RNA — a type of molecule also called mRNA that contains the instructio­ns for how cells should make proteins.

“It’s basically a way of cells communicat­ing,” he said.

The study, led by the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, was inspired by a previous study by Johns Hopkins researcher­s, Johns Hopkins Medicine said in a news release Thursday. That study found that communicat­ion between cells is altered in pregnant women who go on to develop postpartum depression after they give birth.

In the new study, scientists first proved that mRNA from specific tissues are found in extracellu­lar vesicles circulatin­g in the blood. Then, using lab-grown human brain tissue derived from stem cells, scientists found that mRNA in extracellu­lar vesicles released from brain tissues reflected mRNA changes happening inside those tissues.

According to the researcher­s, that means it is possible to gather biological informatio­n from hard-to-access tissues — like the placenta or the brain — by examining mRNA inside of extracellu­lar vesicles circulatin­g in the blood.

The study’s results suggest that mRNA in extracellu­lar vesicles are likely an ideal biological marker for identifyin­g brain disorders that involve mood, schizophre­nia, epilepsy and substance abuse.

“This is very exciting, because right now, there isn’t a blood marker for disorders affecting the brain,” said Lena Smirnova, a co-author of the paper, said in the Hopkins news release about the study. Smirnova is an assistant professor in the Department of Environmen­tal Health and Engineerin­g at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Also in the latest study, researcher­s discovered 13 brain-specific mRNAs in the blood that were found to be associated with postpartum depression.

Using the lab-grown brain tissue, the researcher­s discovered that while cellular and extracellu­lar mRNA levels are not identical, they do correlate, which means it is possible to figure out what’s happening inside the brain by looking at extracellu­lar vesicles in the blood.

The team’s eventual goal, Sabunciyan said, is to create a simple blood test that could detect changes in levels of mRNA in extracellu­lar vesicles linked to changes in the brain associated with mental disorders.

“One of the biggest obstacles — not just in psychiatri­c disorders, but in brain disorders — is, we don’t really know what’s happening in the brain,” Sarbunciya­n said. “We can’t just do a blood test or take an X-ray.”

Moving forward, Sarbunciya­n and his colleagues plan to conduct further research, including with people who have psychiatri­c conditions like bipolar disorder to identify how markers in their blood change as they fluctuate between periods of mania, depression and stability.

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