Albuquerque Journal

Legalizing prostituti­on would have benefits


The March 29 Journal article on illicit massage parlors is appalling. Appalling that we are committing valuable law enforcemen­t resources attempting to stop the oldest human profession.

It’s very honorable to take the moral high ground, but our society has pushed that envelope on everything.

A federal Schedule I narcotic is now legal — marijuana.

Waging money for a profitable outcome is now legal — gambling.

Murder is illegal, but we in New Mexico have somehow legalized infanticid­e.

Sexual companions­hip outside of marriage is now legal — in Nevada’s brothels. Spare me your rants spouted from your high horse on a soap box about ethics and virtue when we succumb to approval, providing the government receives its fair share.

Free market capitalism and profit margins has created greatness in America and the world has been the recipient of our benevolenc­e. Not the panacea.

So, why should Nevada get all the revenue? We in N.M. should have purchased the Zorro Ranch. God has allowed us freewill to think and grow beyond the animal kingdom. Thusly, sex amongst human species is not relegated to just reproducti­on/ procreatio­n.

Yes, this is a complex issue but simplified by basic human interactio­n. Also simplified through the lens of capitalist­ic profits.

A N.M. Zorro Ranch-type brothel, again, not the panacea, but keeping it in the confines of a Nevada-style business could possibly: Reduce criminal activity on our streets; reduce unexpected pregnancie­s; reduce a sexual predatory mindset; increase marital relations when various fantasies cannot be fulfilled; reduce a burden on medical providers from illicit relations; increase revenue through taxation of this industry; and free up law enforcemen­t for critical requiremen­ts.

The list goes on and on. We can look to many European countries that have adopted this industry. If we could somehow change the vernacular to a palatable euphemism and use that in the context of Gov. MLG’s “we’re gunna get cannabis” special legislativ­e announceme­nt. That would be a first hurdle to overcome. Thanks for listening. SEMBACH SIKORSKY


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