Albuquerque Journal

Lawlessnes­s and corruption also destroyed Romans

- VICTOR DAVIS HANSON Syndicated Columnist Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguis­hed fellow of the Center for American Greatness, and a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institutio­n, Stanford University. Email him at

“We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies.” So shrugged the ancient historian Livy (59 B.C.-17 A.D.) of the long decline of Roman national character that, in his age, finally ended the Roman Republic.

Like a patient whose medicine proves worse than the disease, Livy lamented that the Romans knew that they had become corrupt and lawless.

But the very contemplat­ion of the hard medicine needed for restoratio­n — and the furious reaction that would meet the remedy — made it impossible to save the patient. America is nearing such an impasse.

We know that no state can long exist after opening its borders to over 7 million illegal aliens, requiring neither background checks nor legality.

The recent murder of a Georgia female jogger by an illegal alien and the savage beating of New York policemen by similar others hardly merit media attention.

Everyone knows that neither new appropriat­ions nor new laws are needed to secure the border as it was in 2020.

Instead, we could just stop suicidal catch-and-release, deport lawbreaker­s, privilege the legal over the illegal immigrant, demand would-be refugees apply for asylum first in their native countries, finish the border wall, and pressure Mexico to stop underminin­g the territoria­l integrity of its northern neighbor.

But then we shrug, “We can’t do that” — paralyzed in fear of being smeared as “xenophobic,” “nativist,” or “racist.”

So this generation apparently feels that it can endure the collateral damage of daily assaults on American citizens, the near bankruptcy of our cities, and 100,000 fentanyl deaths per year — but certainly not the idea that it is somehow not politicall­y correct or compassion­ate.

The same is true of the $35 trillion debt, now costing more than $1 trillion a year in interest payments — and growing. We all know it is unsustaina­ble. Americans understand it will eventually lead either to destructiv­e hyperinfla­tion, suicidal renunciati­on of federal debt, or confiscati­on of private savings.

Yet we ignore the reckless spending and keep borrowing well over $1 trillion a year. Apparently, our generation prefers being praised as “virtuous” and “caring.” So it leaves the next generation to be smeared as “cruel” and “unfair” when it is forced to cut federal entitlemen­ts and bloated government or face civilizati­onal collapse.

The crime epidemic is also similar. Everyone accepts that no society can long endure quasi-legalized shopliftin­g or green-lighting smash-and-grabbers and carjackers to be released without bail.

But we assume that such a civilizati­onal implosion will never reach our own sanctuary neighborho­ods or safe places of work — at least not yet.

We also know that restoring deterrence by arresting, convicting, and jailing repeat felons will return safety to our streets.

But again, we fear even more that advocating “law and order” will earn slanders like “racist” or “reactionar­y.”

Ditto the homeless. In an age of self-congratula­tion and hyper-environmen­talism, we know that a million homeless defecating, urinating, injecting, and assaulting on our downtown sidewalks and storefront­s is medieval.

We know that it is illegal to camp out on the street and publicly harass citizens or relieve oneself in public. And we know the cure lies in building and staffing more mental institutio­ns and providing areas far from public spaces where the homeless can find shelter, sanitation, and medical care.

But the very idea of removing anyone from his accustomed sidewalk spot, or the notion of the use of force to transport the mentally ill to proper and humane facilities, terrifies us.

So we walk around, step over, and ignore those on the street. Is the assumption that the odds of being assaulted or sickened acceptable? Or do we just not wish to learn where the flotsam, jetsam, and human offal of the street end up?

Most accept that had former President Donald Trump just not run for president in 2024 or was a man of the left, he would not now be facing four different felony court cases.

Most accept that three of the four prosecutor­s have either in advance promised to get Trump or have proved grossly unethical.

Most know it is wrong to try to remove a leading presidenti­al candidate from state ballots.

Yet many shrug that this new weaponizat­ion of America’s legal system is the flamboyant Trump’s own problem, not their own. So they ignore the third worldizati­on of our political system, which they quietly acknowledg­e is otherwise leading us to a Venezuela-like mess.

The paralysis of American society extends to our foreign policy as well. We deplore the terrorism of Iran and its thuggish surrogates. But we fear more the nasty, costly business of stopping its aggression.

Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastroph­es.

Most often, they know what is destroying them. But they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplat­e.

So they implode gradually, then suddenly.

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