All About Italy (USA)


In the potential for growth, profitable markets evolve naturally. Looking abroad for expansion to new markets is a must for many businesses but still queries arise: Where are my new customers? Will they like what I’m offering? How can I find and create fo

- Margherita Pituano

To all of these questions, traditiona­l methods respond with significan­t budgets and important market analysis. But to pinpoint and attack alternativ­e markets, and promote products and services abroad, there is a new approach: Email Marketing that offers analytical tools to assess the receptivit­y of any territory to what’s being offered. In fact, this is a targeted, profiled, personal and effective method for communicat­ing directly with your own respective audience. As customers represent the source of wellbeing for any company, this potential plays an even wider role. They represent developmen­t, they represent the future. Thus, any contact database becomes a fundamenta­l asset of informatio­n that can be used to understand and meet the expectatio­ns of any opportunit­y and, in time, to win it over. In short, a target is the key to success, and in B2B it must be part of any widespread product-to-market and geographic profiling that promotes marketing activities. It is vital to communicat­e the quality of the product and its content, but this cannot be followed up without finding the right audience. And, in actual fact, today’s consumers expect to find content that addresses their needs and interests.

At a practical level, to be able to address particular content to a specific audience, in the most active locations and at the most attentive times, it is hugely beneficial that today’s technology makes email marketing accessible. This ensures that messages are delivered to the kinds of users most likely to produce results, and increase click-through and conversion rates.

In Italy, there already exists a consolidat­ed product in this field. Bancomail is the B2B database for the largest email marketing company in the country, with more than 750,000 Italian companies and over 8,000,000 worldwide, always including email addresses. A company that helps small and medium-sized businesses and large companies connect with the public sector to reach its customers by providing targeted lists for email marketing. A company that in the first half of the year plans to distribute in 6 new countries with a direct presence in each.

“The market is continuing to reward email marketing for efficiency and cost-effectiven­ess. Trends indicate that the future of Email Marketing is flourishin­g,” affirms Andrea Mazzeo, Managing Director of Neosoft Bancomail. “Amid all the data, 70% of business users confess that email remains the main channel of communicat­ion with other companies. All this has allowed us a strong growth rate with a 30% increase in our half-yearly revenue, in contrast to other digital industries.”

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