All About Italy (USA)


Brand par excellence conquers catering with a chef-rewarding competitio­n, promoting one of its flagship products, the Gran Biscotto. The New York Times praises the Italian brand.


Creativity, imaginatio­n and quality: these are the necessary ingredient­s for determinin­g a project’s success. Three qualities that surfaced from the collaborat­ion between All about Italy and Rovagnati – Rovagnati, which has been producing high quality salami with a unique and unmistakab­le taste for over 70 years.with the common interest of promoting taste and the specific qualities of Italian gastronomi­c history, the two companies met in the United States for an event that involved a network of selected Italian restaurant­s. Restaurant­s that have been entrusted with the creation of innovative recipes inspired by a key ingredient: ham, or better, Gran Biscotto, the most famous cooked ham in Italy. Fifteen of New York’s best restaurant­s competed last October. The carefully chosen restaurant­s presented, amongst their culinary proposals, exclusive recipes with Gran Biscotto as the main ingredient, enhancing and reinterpre­ting it: a way to show how the tradition embodied by the Italian brand coexists with innovation and … inspire it. Therefore, the chefs wielded all of their inspiratio­n to plug customers into one of Italy’s most delicate and unmistakab­le tastes.

Lidia Bastianich’s Felidia restaurant won first place for the ability to exalt the principle flavor and its traditionr­ich processing. Chef Fortunato Nicotra was noted for his Cappellacc­i, rigorously handmade, with Gran Biscotto Rovagnati, butter and sage: a recipe that through its simplicity managed to accentuate the taste of Rovagnati and enrich its flavors. Instead, second place went to Gianfranco Sorrentino’s ‘Il Gattopardo’ restaurant for tortelli with Gran Biscotto Rovagnati prepared by Chef Vito Gnazzo. And furthermor­e, a re-interpreta­tion of Italian taste in the US took third place — the Obicà restaurant - where Chef Simone Santopietr­o served Gran Biscotto Rovagnati tagliolini.the big-door prize went to Berkel Slicer, universall­y recognized as a real profession­al icon, combining high performanc­e, design and reliabilit­y. Berkel, unique instrument­s that boast the same excellence and craftsmans­hip of the famous slicers that still teach the art of cutting, gifted the second-andthird-place winners with a set of company-signed knives. Rovagnati continues its expansion abroad, with a targeted and conscious distributi­on always in mind, able to bring its best products to key markets and countries. The brand unfolds its story through an undying tradition, revealling its underpinni­ng qualities and workmanshi­p. And the presence of Rovagnati in the United States has also attracted media attention, so much so that it ended up on the columns of the New York Times, which recognized in Gran Biscotto a refined Italian expression, pointing out its previously unseen manifestat­ions to the American market…intriguing flavors delicate and rich in tradition. Rovagnati thus becomes the bearer of Italian taste and flag of excellence abroad, showing how, concretely, historic knowhow is the essential brick on which to found a modern and internatio­nal future.

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