American Farmhouse Style

Vintage Doorknobs


Doorknobs are a small part of your home, but they can add a charming vintage touch that will permeate the whole building. The main question to ask is whether you want to use authentic vintage doorknobs or vintage-inspired pieces. If you can find a matching vintage set online or at a flea market, you might pay less than if you bought new knobs.

However, you’ll want to know the exact specs of your current doors before you buy a vintage set. Take apart one of your existing doorknobs and measure the diameter of the hole in the door, as well as the rectangula­r divot on the edge of the door for the latch plate. Make sure the vintage latch plate will fit inside the door’s divot, and the vintage rosette (the part of the doorknob that covers the hole) is large enough to actually cover the hole.

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