American Farmhouse Style


Keep an eye out for works by these iconic silhouette artists on your next vintage hunt.


A vintage silhouette’s value mostly comes from the aesthetic preference of the collector, but there are some names that are worth more monetarily. “Sometimes sellers don’t know the value of their wares,” says Karl. “I’ve seen silhouette­s worth $1,000 priced at four bucks.” Here are some names to look for.

Étienne de Silhouette

(born in 1709). The man after whom the silhouette was named, he enjoyed creating this artform himself.

Martha Ann Honeywell

(born in 1786). She was born without hands and forearms, so she used her mouth and toes to produce her art.

Auguste Edouart

(born in 1789). He was an Englishman who specialize­d in silhouette­s, often cutting full-length profiles.

Dai Vernon

(born in 1894). He was a famous magician who cut silhouette­s on the side to augment his income.

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