Anglers Journal



I have tell you how much I enjoyed “Fishwife” in the Fall issue. I got such a kick out of it. What a good sport Patricia Sisson is; she must be proud of her husband’s accomplish­ments, especially Angler’s Journal. I gave a subscripti­on to a friend as a birthday gi , and he really enjoys it.

Marilyn Demartini I wanted to take a minute and tell you how much I enjoy Anglers Journal. It is top-notch in all respects. I really liked Bill Sisson’s “A Long Strange Trip” [“ e Run” e-newsletter]. Joe Manette is a close friend of mine, and I spent many days with him and his dad shing Watch Hill, Rhode Island. I was one of the guys who started him y- shing. I almost forgot about those block tin jigs. Keep up the great work. I’ll be waiting for the next issue.

Jim Babbitt Hope Valley, Rhode Island

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