Animation Magazine

Your Own Bullshit


Poland Director: Daria Kopiec Produced

by: Ewa Jastrzębsk­a, Jerzy Kapuścińsk­i (Munk Studio - Polish Filmmakers Associatio­n), Justyna Rucińska (Likaon Sp. z o.o)

Qualifying Win: Krakow Silver Dragon for Best Short Animated Film

Synopsis: Do family meetings always need to look like that? The father tells the son to find a good job and get married, the mother wants him only to be happy. The same platitudes repeated for years are like a tangled cassette tape -- sometimes they make him choke, sometimes his ears bleed. Combining different animation styles, film genres and references to culture, this production is not only a caricature of a family dinner, but a satire on life in the shadow of social expectatio­ns. It is a drama in three acts: two dishes and a dessert – topped with a religious sauce, spiced with choral singing and served on grotesque tableware.

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