Antelope Valley Press

Tips for combating dry skin in winter


Dear Readers: Winter’s dry air, low humidity and freezing temperatur­es can do a number on the skin. Do you adjust how you shower? You should. Frequent long, hot showers can dry out the skin, leaving it red, irritated and inflamed.

A five-to-seven-minute shower with warm (not hot) water is best, and many people find they are good to go showering every other day. Moisturizi­ng body wash is better than harsh bar soap; the bar soap can remove necessary oils from the skin.

In addition, it’s better to shampoo less frequently. Skipping a day is OK. If your hair is slightly oily, reach for a dry shampoo. Shaving through the winter? Make sure skin is gently exfoliated and plied with a rich shaving cream.

Finally, gently pat the skin dry with a soft towel; don’t scour the skin harshly. Apply a creamy lotion that absorbs into the skin.

— Heloise

Stinky vintage

Dear Readers: Shopping for and wearing vintage cotton T-shirts and clothes is cool and fun, but sometimes the clothes can have a musty, dank and clammy smell. The fix is easy: Launder with 2 cups white vinegar and dry thoroughly. Store in a low-humidity environmen­t.

Vinegar is a workhorse in the home. Safe, cheap and readily available, I’ve reached for it time and time again. I’ve compiled my favorite vinegar hints, helps and recipes into a handy pamphlet. Would you like to receive one? It’s easy. Visit to order, or send a long, stamped (70 cents), self-addressed envelope, together with $5, to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. FYI: To remove an old hemline crease from clothing, dampen the crease line with a cloth soaked in white vinegar, then press with a moderately hot iron.

— Heloise

Easy clean

Dear Heloise: We use our blender a lot this time of year; freezer-section frozen fruits can mix with yogurt and almond milk to make delicious smoothies. However, I have trouble keeping the blender clean — all those seeds. Help?

— Julie B., Fort Wayne,

Indiana Julie, don’t panic — it’s not hard. Put two to three drops of liquid dishwashin­g detergent in the blender, and fill halfway with water. Turn the blender on for just a few seconds, then rinse. No more strawberry seeds.

— Heloise

Newspaper logs

Dear Heloise: How do I make those newspaper logs for the fireplace that I remember seeing in your column? It’s been a while, and I’ve forgotten.

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