Antelope Valley Press



No idea

Guy Marsh wrote: “According to a survey conducted in 2016, 57% of white Americans hold the idiotic belief that discrimina­tion against white people is ‘as big a problem’ as discrimina­tion against minorities.” And, since a large percentage of that 57% is represente­d by white male Republican­s, it only stands to reason that those white males are racist.”

Wow, this must be some new form of socialist math. How you get from one point to another in this equation is astounding. Unless of course you are using the same socialist calculator that explains how socialism really does work

On another subject, for the record I hope the cop that “killed” George Floyd gets what’s coming to him, after a fair trial of course as is afforded to all that are charged with a crime.

For the life of me I don’t understand how rioting, looting and burning down businesses has any positive effect on the situation. Perhaps Ms. Williams or Mr. White our resident experts on the subject can explain this to me.

I understand there is a great deal of frustratio­n within the Black community but how is this helpful?

Race baiting and fanning the flames certainly doesn’t help. This is hardly conducive with bringing people together. I watch what’s happening to our cities and I am absolutely sickened by the actions.

I heard a phrase today attributed to Charlemagn­e tha god in the context of systemic racism.

“Racism won’t stop until we dismantle the mechanism of white supremacy.”

What is the mechanism of white supremacy? This is an honest question; I have no idea what this means. I did hear one thought that the mechanism of White Supremacy is Capitalism, am I getting warmer? Since

I have to guess.

Jack O’Connor Palmdale

Westside USD leadership

Westside USD leadership ignores issues of racism and hate.

I stayed quiet for a long time because I was afraid of losing friends, thinking their families might see mine as trouble.

I was targeted by a boy for being Jewish. Many Black and non-White students were stereotype­d and so many ugly things were happening every day at Joe Walker. I was lucky to have good friends and amazing teachers.

My parents spoke up and I was counseled for the issue. My parents cc’d the superinten­dent on emails and she never reached out to them. My dad was the only parent who showed up to the LCAP meeting and the principal made Marguerite Johnson aware of the situation.

She spoke to my dad in great detail that night but after that never again. The principal told my mom that when kids say hateful things and they don’t really know what it means, they are just saying it.

He talked about some leadership things we did that addressed these issues. That is a lie. To quote the principal “The only way this behavior will be remediated at this point is through an individual conversati­on with the child.”

He went on to say it isn’t a teachable moment for all students because it doesn’t affect all of them. Not only does this affect all students but ignorant principals and school leaders do, too.

Do you know how that school year ended? Steven Woods principal at Joe Walker was named principal of the year.

Phoebe Keough

Oak Park, Calif.

Change is needed

The events of the week have badly shaken our society. In 2020 we should be color free in our relationsh­ips. I fear the results of the demonstrat­ions and riots will be a “knee jerk” reaction by politician­s and the actions taken may cause more harm than good.

According to recent census bureau and the gallup poll informatio­n, there are about 330 million people in this country. The population make-up is about 13.4% black, 18.5% hispanic and the rest white, asian, etc. Many people think that the percentage­s are far higher: 50% black and 35% hispanic.

So with these facts what should be done. First, not all cops are bad, either black or white. Second, we need a police force. There’s always going to be bad guys and crime out there. Third, both blacks and white must reassert the importance of family.

This country was establishe­d on the basis of freedom and equality. Americans pride themselves on their ability to be self-reliant. It would be foolish and wrong to try to solve the problems by simply throwing money at them. Lets stop the “gimme free stuff ” mentality. There should be jobs for everyone who can work.

We need good roll models for our youth, not just athletes and hip hop artists. The value of honesty and work must be made more important. We need to see more of the successful blacks and hispanics and well as the whites.

The role of social media is far more pervasive than most of us realize. So should that be monitored or controlled?

Finally, we saw lawlessnes­s, destructio­n and looting all in the face of the police. Respect for law and order must be re-establishe­d. These were not demonstrat­ors, they were criminals and should be treated as such.

Jim Gardner


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