Antelope Valley Press

Victimized in all areas


According to Wikipedia, the “MeToo” movement was used by Tarana Burke in 2006 and expanded by Alyssa Milano in Oct 2017 to “…help reveal the extent of problems with sexual harassment and assault by showing how many people have experience­d these events themselves.”

A 2017 poll showed that “…54% of American women report receiving ‘unwanted and inappropri­ate” sexual advances.”

In the 2 Jun 2020 AV Press, Mr. Warford states, “The left justifies the rioting and destructio­n done by blacks (and others) because blacks are the aggrieved party in the George Floyd case. How does the murder of federal officer Dave Underwood … in Oakland help the cause of blacks? How does burning down a black firefighte­r’s sports bar on the eve of its opening help George Floyd?

I offer my condolence­s to former Lancaster City councilman Ms. Underwood for the killing of her brother, but it may not be riot related. Air Force Sergeant Steven Carrillo, who is not black, may be responsibl­e for his death. I agree with Guy Marsh’s 6 June 2020 letter, in that Colin Kaepernick protested peacefully by taking a knee, but he was criticized as if he rioted and looted.

Marsh indicates the importance “…for all workers to unite with one another to thwart the socially illegitima­te power of their capitalist exploiters.” Marsh’s opinion is validated by Columnist Paul Krugman (“… wealthy elites weaponized white racism to gain political power, which they used to pursue policies that enriched the already wealthy at worker’s expense.”) and Professor Michael Reich (“…economic consequenc­es of racism are not only lower income for blacks but also higher incomes for the capitalist class and lower incomes for white workers.

Like the women’s movement, blacks have been victimized in all areas of life. By the way, Reich’s analysis was written in 1974. Vincent White


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