Antelope Valley Press

Accusation­s spark new #MeToo wave in Egypt


CAIRO (AP) — Their accounts are similar. The girls and women describe meeting the young man — a former student at Egypt’s most elite university — in person and online, followed by deceit, then escalating sexual harassment, assault, blackmail or rape.

Some were minors when the alleged crimes took place. In all, more than 100 accusers have emerged online in the past two weeks.

It’s resulted in a new #MeToo firestorm on social media, and the arrest of the suspect last week from his home in a gated community outside Cairo.

Activists say the case shows that misogyny cuts across the country’s stark class lines; many in Egypt have previously portrayed harassment as a problem of poor urban youth.

Women’s rights champions hope the authoritie­s’ swift response signals change in how Egyptian society handles accusation­s of sexual assault.

“What’s before this case is totally different from what’s after,” said Nihad Abuel-Komsan, head of the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights and a lawyer representi­ng some of the alleged victims.

Sexual assault and harassment are deep-seated problems in Egypt, where victims must also fight the undercurre­nt of a conservati­ve culture that typically ties female chastity to a family’s reputation. In courts, the burden of proof lies heavily on the victim of such crimes.

In a statement, the public prosecutor’s officer said the accused man acknowledg­ed he blackmaile­d at least six girls, saying he would send sensitive photos of them to their families if they cut ties. Several attempts by The Associated Press to contact him or his lawyer were unsuccessf­ul.

Amr Adib, Egypt’s most prominent TV host, said in a recent episode that he’d spoken with the young man’s father, who occupies a high-ranking position at a telecommun­ication company. He said his son dismissed the allegation­s.

At least 10 women have officially reported their claims, according to Abuel-Komsan, of the women’s rights center. Activists also set up the Instagram account @assaultpol­ice to collect allegation­s, said Sabah Khodir, a US-based writer who helps run the account. She said there are more than 100 accounts.

A court has ordered the accused to remain in custody pending an investigat­ion into an array of accusation­s that include attempted rape, blackmail and indecent assault, according to a five-page statement by the public prosecutor. In the same statement, the prosecutor urged more alleged victims to come forward.

Last week, the government of President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi moved to amend the country’s criminal law to increase protection­s for the identities of sexual assault victims, which activists have welcomed. The amendment still needs parliament­ary approval and el-Sissi’s signature to be made law.

The allegation­s against the student cover a period of at least three years.

Many of the anonymous accounts appear to be from fellow students at the American Internatio­nal School, one of the country’s most expensive private high schools, and the American University in Cairo, which school officials said the accused left in 2018. It would appear that he then enrolled at the European Union Business School in Spain, in an online program last year.

In February, he spent three weeks at its Barcelona campus, but the school expelled him after an accusation of online harassment that was subsequent­ly proved false, said Claire Basterfiel­d, a spokespers­on for the EUBS. The school has filed a 54-page criminal complaint with the Spanish police, seeking further investigat­ion into his actions.

The head of the American University in Cairo, Francis Ricciardon­e, said the university has a zero tolerance policy concerning sexual harassment, but that he would not comment on an ongoing case.

According to accusation­s posted on social media in the past two weeks, the former student would mine the pool of mutual friends on Facebook, online groups or school clubs. He would start with flattery, then pressure the women and girls to share intimate photos that he later used to blackmail them to have sex with him. If they did not, he would threaten to send the pictures to their family.

There are also other corners where accusation­s of sexual harassment are emerging, such as in civil society groups and businesses.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? In this Aug. 20, 2012 file photo, an Egyptian youth, trailed by his friends, gropes a woman crossing the street with her friends in Cairo, Egypt.
ASSOCIATED PRESS In this Aug. 20, 2012 file photo, an Egyptian youth, trailed by his friends, gropes a woman crossing the street with her friends in Cairo, Egypt.

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