Antelope Valley Press

Rules to walk by when with your dog

- Hints from Heloise

Dear Readers: Sept. 8 is National Dog Walker Appreciati­on Day. What are some rules dog walkers should stick to? Let’s take a look:

Always have your dog on a leash unless you are in a dog park. You never know when your dog may take off and run.

Cleaning up after the dog is a no-brainer. Nobody wants a surprise package in their front yard. It is not fertilizer. It’s unsightly and smelly.

Meet and greets along the way are risky. One dog may or may not get along with another dog. Why chance it? Keep dogs apart.

It may be hard to believe, but not everyone loves dogs. People you meet while walking your dog could have allergies; they could be afraid of dogs — there’s no telling. Dog walkers shouldn’t assume everyone is amiable to dogs.

Man’s best friends have enriched our lives in so many ways. A long walk is a winwin for you both.

— Heloise

Pet pal

Dear Readers: Michelle and Dave T. in Omaha, Nebraska, sent a picture of their six-month-old Morkie, Freddie, celebratin­g his first Fourth of July. He is friendly and playful, and he LOVES everyone. He even tolerates his rabbit “brother” Mopsy.

To see Freddie and our other Pet Pals, visit and click on “Pet of the Week.” Send your pics of furry and funny friends to

— Heloise

The smell of burnt popcorn

Dear Readers: Burning microwave popcorn creates a foul odor that can linger. Let’s talk about how to get rid of it. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine 1 cup of water and 1/2 chopped lemon (rinds and all). Place in the microwave and heat until the water boils and creates steam (one to three minutes).

Leave the bowl in the microwave for at least 15 minutes to cool — the water can get very hot. Afterward, remove the bowl and wipe the inside walls of the microwave, bottom and top. Leave the door of the microwave open for a while to allow air to circulate.

— Heloise

Obstacle course for dogs

Dear Heloise: During quarantine, my girls set up an obstacle course in the backyard for the dogs. It was a fun exercise for the dogs, as they weaved around buckets, jumped through a hula hoop and cooled down chasing balls on a slippery slide made from wet trash bags.

— Debra in Oklahoma

Rad pads

Dear Heloise: For wet mopping the floor, I bought an inexpensiv­e bundle of washcloths at a big box store. I wet and ring out the washcloths and then attach to the mop at the corner holes. I change wash cloths as needed until I finish all my mopping. This is a cheaper alternativ­e to expensive pads.

— Jill G.

Jill, you’re right; commercial refills can get pricey, and how easy it is just to throw those cloths in the wash.

— Heloise

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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