Antelope Valley Press

His record, so far


President Trump has failed to respond to national crises.

He let down US citizens after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in September 2017. To date Americans in Puerto Rico still suffer from inaction by the president.

Covid-19 deaths have steadily increased. It’s clear thousands of Americans could have been saved if swift decisive action was taken by President Trump. Instead he denied, lied, and deflected. For weeks after being told of the seriousnes­s threat he denied it. He lied then and continues to lie when citing his actions dealing with the pandemic. President Trump has never ordered a coordinate­d national response to this health emergency. Instead of efficientl­y moving ventilator­s, PPEs, and other needed items from federal stockpiles and between states, he threw it on state governors to act. States bid against each other and the federal government for needed items.

The economy has tanked as a result of the pandemic. No, the president isn’t responsibl­e for the COVID-19. However, he has failed to understand our economy is not going to recover until the virus is controlled. His inability to face COVID-19 with an organized response has only prolonged economic woe.

Racial divide is another crisis where President Trump has failed. He’s flamed tension by offering supportive words to various groups instead of deflating tensions by advocating empathy and urging unity across races. It’s clear he’s incapable of leading our nation in a crisis.

President Trump has proven himself to be a weak leader.

George Francuski Kingman, Ariz.

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